Number of Pages: 36

Publisher: Academy of Islamic Research & Publications

Book Description: “We sent thee not save as a mercy for the peoples” I have just recited before you a verse from Surah Anbiya of the holy Quran. In it God addresses the holy Prophet to tell him that be had been sent as a mercy for the whole world and all the peoples that might be ...

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Mercy for the World

“We sent thee not save as a mercy for the peoples”
I have just recited before you a verse from Surah Anbiya of the holy Quran. In it God addresses the holy Prophet to tell him that be had been sent as a mercy for the whole world and all the peoples that might be born on this planet. This was, indeed, a unique declaration or if I could say so, a revolutionary proclamation for the entire humanity. And this was put about by God in a Scripture which was destined to be read after its revelation in every age, time and clime by billions of men in every nook and corner of the world.

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