Book Author: S. Abul Hasan Ali Nadwi
Number of Pages: 490
Publisher: Academy of Islamic Research & Publications
Year of Publication: 1982
Book Description:
At a time when mankind and human civilization were on the edge of
destruction, the Lord and Creator of the word caused a man to be born in
Arabia who was entrusted with the most difficult task: not only to
rescue mankind from imminent destruction but also to raise it to sublime
height, heights hitherto ...
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a time when mankind and human civilization were on the edge of
destruction, the Lord and Creator of the word caused a man to be born in
Arabia who was entrusted with the most difficult task: not only to
rescue mankind from imminent destruction but also to raise it to sublime
height, heights hitherto beyond the knowledge of historians and the
imagination of poets.
If there were not incontrovertible historical evidence to
demonstrate his achievements, it would be difficult to believe such
greatness. This man was Muhammad (peace be upon him) who was born in the
sixth century. He saved mankind from imminent danger, gave it new life,
new ambition, fresh energy, a revitalized sense of human dignity and
intellect, as also a new found idealism. It was because of him that a
new era came about, an era of spirituality in art and literature, of
personal sincerity and selfless service of others, all of which produced
an ordered, graceful and kindly culture.
His most precious gifts to man were his devotion to righteousness and
aversion to evil, his hatred of false gods and a passion for
establishing justice and morality, and a readiness to lay down one’s
life for these righteous goals. Such goals ultimately are the
fountainhead and incentive for all reforms and improvements. Whatever
great and sublime heights man has attained have been the result of such
noble sentiments ? indeed, all material resources, means and methods owe
their existence to human will and determination. That great benefactor
of humanity replaced barbarism and brutality with the milk of human
kindness, magnanimity and courtesy. He struggled unceasingly for the
propagation of his noble teachings with complete disregard for his own
self, his life or prestige.
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