Book Description:
This research presents testimony, in the form of statements, admissions
and declarations, offered by prominent scholars and scientists, all of
whom witnessed that Muhammad (sws) is the prophet of Allah. It also
examines quotations from the previous Divine scriptures, the Torah and
the Gospels, which prove the prophecy of Muhammad (sws). This research
provides a ...
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research presents testimony, in the form of statements, admissions and
declarations, offered by prominent scholars and scientists, all of whom
witnessed that Muhammad (sws) is the prophet of Allah. It also examines
quotations from the previous Divine scriptures, the Torah and the
Gospels, which prove the prophecy of Muhammad (sws).
This research provides a description of the morality of the Prophet
Muhammad (sws): his character, behavior and way of thinking. This
research has been composed and collected from many Islamic sources, and
it ends with a brief exhortation.
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