Man has been familiar with religion for such a long time that it
covers the entire recorded history of human life and goes back into the
depths of pre-historic times.
The Qur’an has described religion as man’s innate nature and Allah’s established order. It says:
“Islam is in harmony with nature which Allah has designed for man.” (Ar-Rum 30:30)
Research carried out by sociologists and historians shows that places
of worship, either in their simple or elaborate and complex form, have
always had an influence on human life, and religion in its various
shapes has been interwoven with its history.
Dr. Durant, after a comparatively detailed discussion of atheism of
certain people writes that despite all that he has mentioned, these are
exceptional cases, and the old notion that “religion” is a phenomenon
that generally extends to all human beings, is true. The question of
religion in the view of a philosopher is one of the basic questions of
history and psychology.
He adds that, from time immemorial, religion has always gone hand in
hand with human history. The idea of piety can never be removed from
human heart. (History of Civilization, vol.1, pp. 88-89)
From a psychological point of view, this time honored relationship
between man and religion proves that religious feeling is one of the
basic human instincts natural elements of the human soul.
It is obvious, that at a time, when the level of human thinking was
low and the sciences had not made any remarkable progress, this internal
feeling was in an incredible way mixed with superstition, but gradually
with the progress of sciences on the one hand, and persistent efforts
and teachings of the prophets on the other, it was purified of
adulterations and it regained its purity and originality.
Anti-Religious Waves during the Past Centuries
In these circumstances it looks a little surprising that during the
past centuries, especially from 16th Century onward, a violent
anti-religious wave has hit the Western countries and many of the
liberal minded Europeans have dissociated themselves from the Church.
Those who wanted to remain loyal to religion turned to some Eastern
religions or to a sort of Gnosticism minus religion, while a large
number of people were attracted by materialism and the like.
But an inquiry into the roots of this subject indicates that in the
special circumstances prevailing Europe, this phenomenon was not
Factors leading to anti-religious movements and tendency to
materialism in Europe should be looked for in the perspective of the
policy which the Church pursued with regard to the Renaissance and
progress of natural sciences in various fields.
When the Church in the middle ages, especially during the 13th to
15th centuries started a campaign against science which continued even
to the 16th and l7th centuries and attempted to crush scientific
movements through Inquisition, issued a papal decree to condemn science
dragged people like Galileo to persecution and forced them to deny the
motion of the earth. It is obvious what the reaction of the scientists
to such teachings could be.
They, being at the cross roads of sciences and religion (of course
religion as it was understood at that time and in that environment),
naturally went for science, the firm basis of which they had personally
observed and tested.
Mistake in analogy and incorrect comparison of other religions to the
special position of the Churches in the Middle Ages induced certain
scientists to start a campaign against all religions and to reject them
formally. They went to the extent of innovating a doctrine known as
discord between religion and science’.
But the study of scientific movement in Islam, which started from the
very first century and bore fruit in the second and third centuries of
the Hegira era, shows that in Muslim society the case was quite
different. This movement soon gave birth to the scientists like Hasan
lbn Haitham, the well-known Muslim Physicist, Jabir lbn Hayyan, whom the
Europeans call Father of Chemistry, and tens of others like them.
Their books exercised considerable influence over the Scientists like
Roger Bacon, Johann Kepler and Leonardo da Vinci. It is interesting
that all this scientific progress took place in the middle ages and
coincided with the Church’s violent opposition to the Renaissance and
the standard-bearers of the new scientific movement.
All historians in the East and the West, who have dealt with Islamic
culture, are unanimously of the view that it gave rise to a wide-spread
scientific movement whose influence over the Renaissance and the
scientific movement of Europe was remarkable.
Thus the factors which induced the liberal-minded in the West to
dissociate themselves from religion, did not exist in the case of Islam.
On the contrary, there were factors which worked in the opposite
In short Islamic movement had a special connection with World
scientific movements, and for this very reason was the fountain-head of
the vast development of sciences and knowledge.
However it cannot be denied that disputes and dissensions among a
section of Muslim people which in intensity from the fifth century (Hijrah)
onward, short-sightedness, non-realization of true teachings of Islam,
apathy to progress and indifference to the spirit of the time, resulted
in the backwardness of many Muslim countries.
Another factor which complicated the problem was that Islam in the
real sense was not introduced to the younger generation. Thus the
constructive role of Islam in various fields gradually diminished. Now
the position is that many young men think that Islam has always been in
this present dismal state.
Anyhow, it is certain that with the revival of Islamic teachings and
their correct introduction, especially to the younger generation, it is
still possible to revive the spirit of early Islamic movement.
Religion and Philosophical Schools of Thought
All forms of religion censure every kind of materialism, whether it
be in its simple shape or in the garb of dialectic materialism, which
forms the basis of Marxism and Communism, because materialism maintains
that this, universe is merely a set of undesigned and aimless
Religion in censuring materialism, relies on a number of principles which are absolutely logical, because:
The interpretation of the order of the universe advanced by
materialistic schools is unscientific, for science in the course of its
research, talks of well calculated and precise systems, which cannot be
interpreted by accidental and chance happenings.
Mistake in analogy and incorrect comparison
of other religions to the special position of the Churches in the Middle
Ages induced certain scientists to start a campaign against all
religions and to reject them formally.
Science acknowledges that the maker of this machine of the universe
is the greatest physicist and chemist, most expert physician and the
best anthropologist and cosmologist, because while performing his job,
he visualized all scientific laws. Naturally he could not do so without
having complete knowledge of them. It goes without saying that natural
factors and natural developments can have no such knowledge at all.
Materialism has accepted the doctrine of compulsion as one of its
basic principles. It holds that every human action and every movement is
the result of a sequence of compulsory causes. On, this basis,
according to the materialistic point of view, all the efforts of man are
like the movements of the wheels of a machine. It is obvious that the
acceptance of this view goes against the idea of every social, moral or
human responsibility.
In contrast, religion accepts the principle of obligation and
responsibility and thus lays the foundation of its teachings on the
freedom of human will.
It cannot be contradicted that the acceptance of the principle of
compulsion gives a hard blow to dynamism and the sense of duty and
responsibility. It also directly contributes to the expansion of crimes
and aggressions, because the offenders can plead that they are not
responsible for the crimes committed by them, for they were forced by
the compulsion of environment, time and the way they were brought up.
But there is no possibility of such evil effects if the principle of
free will is accepted.
With the acceptance of the domination of matter over all affairs of
human life and the restriction of value only to the material values, the
materialists have practically ousted moral values. They hold, that only
material interests prevail over all social and international interests.
The effect of this way of thinking is obvious for without adherence to
such principles as philanthropy, tolerance, sacrifice, sincerity and
love; no problems at world level can be solved. Belief in exclusive
domination of matter obviously not compatible with these principles.
Religion and Individual Freedom
Some people think that religion restricts individual freedom and
disallows the fulfillment of some desires, whereas, in fact, the aim of
religious teaching is not at all to put an end to logical freedom. Its
aim is only to stop wastage of human energies and assets and to prevent
their flow into improper and worthless channels.
For example, if religion forbids the use of intoxicants, gambling and
improper indulgence in sex, does so for the safety of the body and soul
of the individual and for the maintenance of social order.
This moral control is in keeping with the real spirit of freedom, for
freedom means only that man should be able to take full advantage of
the assets of existence to help in the evolution of the individual and
the society. It does not at all mean squandering God-given energies and
indulging in immoderation and libertinism.
Religion supports every kind of freedom that carries man forward
towards evolution in various fields. Only this is what freedom, in the
real sense, means. Anything else is libertinism.
That is why religion allows man to use all good things in life, to
wear any reasonable dress, to relish any good food and to take part in
any healthy pastime. In short, it has allowed the use of all comforts
and conveniences of life, and does not ask anyone to give up any such
things. The Qur’an says:
“Say: Who has forbidden the beautiful things of Allah which He has produced for His servants and the pure food?” (Al-A`raf 7:32)
Moreover, our religion calls upon us never to forget the exigencies
and requirements of time and to keep ourselves well-informed about the
latest developments in medicine, technology and industry.
Imam Sadiq has said: “He who knows his time and its requirements, shall not be taken unaware by the dark events of life.”
Our religion tells us that out of the new ideas, customs and usages
we should choose what is useful and worthy and should discard what is
improper and wrong. We must not follow others blindly and must not adopt
anything that is not compatible with human dignity and the spirit of
independent thinking.
The Qur’an says,
“Give glad
tidings to my servants who listen to what is said and follow the best
thereof. They are those whom Allah has guided and those who have good
sense.” (Az-Zumar 39: 17-18)
Taken with slight editorial modifications from
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