Scientists are still researching the secrets of the universe, however, despite the great progress; they admit that their knowledge regarding the universe doesn’t exceed 5%. ….

Is there a koranic sign for that?                                                                               

Even with modern science and recent discoveries about the universe, scientists have confessed their limited knowledge and understanding of the great universe, and admit that they expect to remain unaware of the answers to the universe’s secrets and oddities. Despite developing science, scientists’ knowledge will remain limited just as the Quran assures in Allah’s (SWT) saying: “And of knowledge, you (mankind) have been given only a little” [Al-Isra: 85]. 

Western scientists declare their limited knowledge and admit that they still lack a lot of information regarding the universe’s secrets. The president of the central airplanes and space in Germany, Johann Dietrich Forner, says that the world hasn’t discovered more than 5% of the incredible universe’s secrets. Moreover, scientists don’t comprehend more than 5% of the available discoveries and 95% of these discoveries remain mysterious and are considered dark materials or puzzling power. Furner also predicted the existence of aliens but that mankind won’t be able to recognize them with current technologies.

However Michael Graven, the president of NASA, refuses the ideas adopting the existence of extra-terrestrial creatures and said that they are myths and that there is no scientific proof, but admits that they help in understanding of the universe. Scientists defend the high costs of space research because the information collected provides great benefits; for example, airplanes that can fly with the aid of satellites. Also, satellite TV channels, improved weather forecasting, and medical research of diseases concerning blood circulation and immunity defects; all rely on the research of space science. 


Both scientists don’t believe in the existence of a planet other than the Earth where humankind can survive. However, in their opinion, the desire of exploring the mysteries and searching for the unidentified will encourage humans to continue their journey of searching. The humans’ knowledge regarding the universe is a lot less than 5%; and there are many undiscovered planets and lots of worlds such as the jinn’s world and the angels’ world that remain scientific mysteries!

Although some scientists don’t believe in the existence of aliens in the actual world, there is a strong desire that drive them to search for such creatures. This demonstrates that humans have many questions regarding the universe’s origins; such as who created the universe, why was it created, and are there other living things?

Questions such as these can’t be answered from nature; it is Allah (SWT), who created the humans, and placed those questions in their hearts. Perhaps we might comprehend a new meaning in Allah’s Almighty saying: “And (remember) when your Lord brought forth from the children of Adam, from their loins, their seed and made them testify as to themselves (saying): “Am I not your Lord?” They said: “Yes! We testify,” lest you should say on the Day of Resurrection: “Verily, we have been unaware of this.” [Al-Araf: 172]. We can say that the necessary programs to continue living, and for the human to comprehend the capability of his Creator (SWT) Allah has provided in each cell of our bodies! Meaning that it is human nature to ask about the secret of creation, the creator of universe, the purpose and meaning of life, and what happens after death….all are questions from Allah (SWT) who said: “Am I not your Lord?” They said.” Allah (SWT) has put deep inside each cell of this creature questions that should lead him to believing in Allah almighty. However, humans are arrogant, disbelieving, and in denial!

The scientists’ acknowledgment regarding the little quantity of knowledge about the universe despite the enormous technological and scientific developments in this new era means that Allah (SWT), The Universe Creator, does not allow any of his creatures to obtain knowledge except by His permission. Allah (SWT) says: “And they will never compass anything of His knowledge except that which He wills” [Al-baqarah: 255]. He Almighty also says: “(Allah) made them not to witness the creation of the heavens and the earth and not (even) their own creation, nor was I (Allah) to take the misleaders as helpers” [Al-kahf: 51]. Despite how hard people try in seeking knowledge, they will not gain information of the universe’s secrets except what Allah (SWT) allows.  

   I want to stop in this noble verse and says that it proves that everything the scientists discover is a way of trying to understand the universe, however, the entire fact is only known by Allah (SWT). This reality is found in Allah’s book which is the book of facts. When we read the koranic verse and try to comprehend the meaning regarding universe, trying to understand the meaning does not mean that we comprehend the connotation 100%! It is part of investigating, if we were correct we will have two rewards, and if we were mistaken we (inshaallah) will have a reward as long as sincerity is our way in researching. 

And we say that scientists will not achieve the certainty except if they read the Quran and follow its commands. The Quran tells us facts and gives us the basic science in researching while scientists today remain uncertain about their research and lack a goal or a base. The Quran, on the other hand, gives us the purpose and shows us the way; Allah (SWT) says: “say: “Travel in the land and see how (Allah) originated the creation, and then Allah will bring forth the creation of the Hereafter. Verily, Allah is Able to do all things.””[Al-Ankabut: 20]. This verse is made of four parts: 

1- (say: “Travel in the land) God’s command to travel the earth, search and discover, but what to discover? The answer is found in the second part of the verse.

2- (and see how (Allah) originated the creation) He (SWT) showed us the way of searching, to search the secrets of the origin of the universe and the creations. But why to search, and for what propose? The answer is in the third part of this verse.

3- (And then Allah will bring forth the creation of the Hereafter) Here we find the purpose of searching is to realize that Allah (SWT), the initiator of the universe, is capable to bring forth the creation of the Hereafter. 

4- (Verily, Allah is Able to do all things), this is another purpose, to realize that Allah (SWT) is capable of everything; He is capable to create the universe, to bring forth mankind and to judge them. So don’t be sad oh human! Allah (SWT) will give you your rights in this life and the hereafter.  

Hence, in one verse, we found a complete curriculum to search the creation’s secrets, the purpose of this research, and the answer for that search. By Allah (SWT), how could illiterate person living in the seventh century speaks this way?!  


By: Abduldaem Al-Kaheel





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