Almighty punish people for the severe sins such as adultery and
homosexuality not only in the hereafter but also in this life………
Today, many
people and some Muslims consider adultery and homosexuality a kind of
personal freedom regardless its dangerous consequences on health and
society, a glance on people who do this awful act will guide us to find
Aids, suicide and many sexual and psychological diseases. But Allah
Almighty confirm that these kinds of torments are much lesser than His
torment in the hereafter as He Almighty says: (Such is the punishment (in this life), but truly, the punishment of the Hereafter is greater, if they but knew.){Sûrat Al-Qalam-The pen- verse33{
The below
photo for a reddish-brown skeleton, belonging to a victim of the
infamous Mount Vesuvius eruption, lies partially uncovered in the
ancient city of Herculaneum (the lesser-known sister city of Pompeii)
Herculaneum was quickly buried by a glowing avalanche—consisting of
fast-moving gases, pumice, and rocks (August A.D. 79). It is worth to
mention that people of that city were doing adultery in front of all
people without any kind of feeling ashamed of that action. Allah
Almighty says about people of “prophet Lut” who used to perform the same
action and Allah Almighty punished them as He says: (And
We turned (the towns of Sodom in Palestine) upside down and rained down
on them stones of baked clay * Surely! In this are signs, for those who
see (or understand or learn the lessons from the Signs of Allah).){ Sûrat A-Hijr - The Rocky Tract- verse 74-75. {
On the other hand He Almighty talks to the believers and say: (Surely! Therein is indeed a sign for the believers.){ Sûrat A-Hijr - The Rocky Tract -verse77}.
Finally we
ask Allah Almighty and supplicate to Him by saying: (Guide us to the
Straight Way){ Surat Al-Fatiha - The Opening -verse6}
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