Scientists discovered a giant black hole at the center of our galaxy
which is 4 million times double the sun, Qur’an had referred to these
holes are terrifying cosmic phenomenon and scientists are trying to
discover its secrets and they found that these holes are in our galaxy
and they are heavy four million times than the sun!
group of germen scientists from Max Planck Society had found strong
evidence that these holes are existed in our galaxy (Milky Way) and they
accurately measured the space between earth and the center of the
Before, it was just a kind of estimation because of the billions of stars but now it is a clear reality with no doubt.
16 years those scientists performed many studies on 28 stars around the
center of Milky Way and by studying the movement of these starts they
said that they became able to determine the characteristics of the
substance that these stars are moving around.
Professor Reinhard Gentzlhead of the research team said “our study offered a strong evidence on the existence of the giant black holes ”
accurately measured the space between earth and the center of the
galaxy as they found it 27000 light years and they used infrared rays to
penetrate the dust clouds
Did Quran pointed to these Black Holes?
say that these super-massive black holes are dead stars but they are
very heavy within very narrow space, they are the cemetery of the stars,
swallow, sweep everything coming close to it even light and they are
swimming in the space.
they have very enormous gravity they attract even light and do not
reflect it and do not allow any light to leave, so, they are invisible.
Because of the greatness of these creatures,they are one of the very great cosmic phenomena.
Allah, Almighty swears by it (To show how great they are) and by their distinctive characteristics:
(Invisible, swims in the space, sweeps and swallows anything close to it even light).
Quran summed up these attributes in only three words. He almighty says:
“So, verily I swear of that invisibles * that running and sweep” At-Takweer (verses 15,16)
Allah, The Almighty swears by these frightful holes, it is a must that
these should be discovered by human one day to be evidence of the
sincerity of the Quran.
this discovery must be on the hand of unbelievers to show them a proof
for the sincerity of the Quran and to be as an argument on them on the
Day of Resurrection.
of course the appeal is addressed to non-Muslims, because Muslims
believe in all that came in the Quran without physical evidence on this.
This means that the Quran text includes three clear miracles:
1. had preceded the Non- Muslims scientists in talking about the black holes phenomenon.
Pointed to an implication that these holes exist and will be
discovered, as everything that Allah swears by it is necessary to be
seen whether by human in this world or in the Hereafter to be a proof on
the sincerity of the Quran.
- There is an implication that who will discover these holes are
non-Muslim, and this is what actually happened, as the Scientists who
discovered these holes are non-Muslims, and Allah talked to them as an
answer to his swear:
“Verily this is the word of a most honorable Messenger” (At-Takweer-verse19)
question for those who denies these miracles: Do black holes have been
described with such accuracy, accidentally? Or is there a scientific
miracle in the Quran?
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