there any invisible pillars that link the parts of the universe, which
the Quran verse talked about? Is it possible that these pillars are the
forces of gravity? Let’s consider the following …
Allah Almighty says :( Allah is He Who raised the heavens without any pillars that you can see)
Raed,2.[ I would like, here, to stop with the word (pillars) of the
sky, but what is the sky? The sky is everything above us and it extends
from the atmosphere to the last galaxy in the universe. Anyone who looks
at the sky from outside the universe sees a tightened thread. This
thread is a construction of the blocks of the sky which are galaxies.
is a simulated image of the universe as if we look at it from outside!
We see groups of galaxies placed on threads, as if they are building
blocks and gravity forces link these galaxies and controls its
distribution by this wonderful system .This testifies the greatness of
Allah, the creator of all.
thread extends to millions of light years and hundreds of galaxies are
placed on these threads. All of which are based on gravity forces which
Allah created to ensure the coherence of the universe so it doesn't
collapse. We find in this holly verse two miracles, they are:
We understand, from this verse, that Allah created the sky without
pillars, and anyone who looks at the universe from outside sees huge
groups of galaxies linked together and it moves in a system as one
group. These groups of galaxies have been lifted and put in their
allocated places without pillars, but by physical laws created by Allah
Almighty for the continuation of the universe.
We can understand the verse in another way: that there are pillars but
invisible! And the meaning of the verse "raised the heavens without any
pillars that you can see". There is a miraculous aspect here, as gravity
forces that we don`t see are the columns that are created by Allah.
Without which, the universe couldn`t continue and galaxies had not been
distributed in this way.
our understanding of the verse is, it remains a constant miracle. This
indicate that the verse is from Allah, the wise and the well-acquainted,
Allah says :( (This is) a Book, with verses basic or fundamental (of
established meaning), further explained in detail,- from One Who is Wise
and Well-acquainted (with all things) ) ]Hud,1.[
we see in other books, at the same time of descending Quran, some wrong
cosmic information. There was a prevailing belief that the Earth is
based on a turtle or a whale or an ox…..No one was aware of the
invisible pillars that link parts of the universe.That is the gravity
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