A Muslim youth must first believe that good and harm comes from Allah alone and not from human beings, no matter who they may be. Indeed, human beings are only tools that Allah uses to execute His Decree. He must also believe that if all of mankind joins forces in order to do him good, this will never come to pass unless Allah wills it. He must also believe that if they join forces to do him harm, this harm will not afflict him unless Allah wills it. He must also believe that whatever happened to him would have never missed him, and whatever did not happen to him would have never happened to him.


A Muslim must also believe that his life is in Allah's Hands alone, and that death can overcome him only by Allah's leave. He must believe that his life cannot be prolonged as a result of cowardice, laziness, fear, sleep and weakness. Also, his life will not be shortened as a result of displaying courage and bravery, such as fighting on the battlefield for the sake of Allah and defending Islam and Muslims.


A Muslim youth must also purify his heart and cleanse it of all filth that may otherwise smear and pollute its purity.


Therefore, he should not show love for false deities and those who worship them. He should show love only for Allah, His Messenger (Peace be upon him) and the pious and obedient among Allah's servants. He should put his trust in Allah and fear none but Allah. He should also avoid all acts that may cause Allah's anger, such as praying to others besides Allah, swearing by others besides Allah, seeking assistance from the dead, walking around their graves and offering sacrifices to them.


A Muslim youth must also show love and hatred for the sake of Allah alone. He must show love for those who are on the straight path of Islam and show hatred towards the Jews, Christians, the disbelievers and all those who fight Allah, His Messenger (Peace be upon him), His religion and His pious servants.


A Muslim youth must also realize that if there is a problem or a disagreement between him and someone else, he must refer this matter to someone who will try to solve it in the light of Allah's Law. He should not refer to manmade laws because these are false laws that are not approved of by Allah. In fact, they are ignorant laws, as Allah says:

"Do they then seek the judgement of Jaahiliyyah (the days of ignorance before Islam)? And who is better in judgement than Allah for a people who have firm Faith." (Surah Al-Ma’idah, 5:50)


A Muslim youth must believe in all of Allah's Beautiful Names. Just as he believes that Allah is the Creator, the Sustainer, the All-Hearing and the All-Seeing, he must also believe that He is the Law-Giver, Whose law must be referred to at all times. He commands and there is none to oppose His Command. Any law that is not approved by Islam is false and whoever refers to it for judgement will certainly earn Allah's wrath. The Qur'an strongly criticizes those who refer to other than Allah for judgement. Allah says:

"[Say (O Muhammad Peace be upon him):] 'Shall I seek a judge other than Allah while it is He Who has sent down unto you the Book (the Qur'an), explained in detail?'" (Surah Al-An’am, 6:114)


A Muslim youth must also give everyone his rights. He should worship Allah alone, obey his parents, honor his guest, show kindness to his neighbors and the orphans, be truthful and never attempt to lie, cheat, steal, abuse or betray anyone. He must have good character, improve his relationship with everyone, show mercy and compassion for those younger than him and respect those who are older than him.


He must avoid backbiting and slander, and if he has been abused by someone, he should suppress his anger and bear it patiently. He must demonstrate courage without being reckless, show generosity without being extravagant, and display careful spending without being stingy. He should strive hard to do all righteous acts and shun all evil actions.


'Abdur-Rahmaan concluded the reading of his paper, leaving his audience of teachers and students amazed at the wonderful style he used in his writing and the firm evidence he quoted on this interesting and eye-opening subject.


Mr. Khaalid, the school principal, stood by Abdur-Rahmaan's side and said to him, "Because of the richness and importance of the material contained in your paper, the school administration has decided to publish your paper at its own expense for free distribution in order to spread the Truth. The administration has also suggested making a slight change to the title. The new title will be: ‘Laa ilaaha Illallaah, The Way of Life for Muslim Children as well as Adults.’”

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