It is a state of mind that contains serenity, tranquility, dignity and humility during prayer, which springs from one’s heart standing in front of Allah in humility and submission.
Sometimes in prayer we have so much devotion and can feel every word; yet at other times it’s all about the ritual movements and nothing more. In sha’Allah (God willing), I will try to summarize the main points of this show every week.
The Story of the Ansar and the Muhajirun
In the sunan of Abu Dawud, it is narrated with a good chain that in one of the battles, the Prophet (peace be upon him) appointed two guards, one from the Muhajirun (Immigrants to Madinah) and one from the Ansar (Muslims of Madinah). At one point, the Ansari got up to pray while the man from the Muhajirun reclined in order to have a nap. A man from the disbelievers who was close by saw this, and fired a small arrow at the Ansari who was praying. It hit him, but the Ansari, with some difficulty, removed the arrow and continued praying as the blood seeped from him. The disbeliever, upon seeing this, fired another arrow. The Ansari was able to remove it also and continued praying. However, the Ansari could not stand the pain of the third arrow and fell into ruku` (bowing) and sujud (prostration), and this is when the man of the Muhajirun woke up, seeing his friend seeping with blood. Upon seeing this, the disbeliever fled. “SubhanAllah! (Glory be to Allah!) Why didn’t you alert me when he first hit you?!” the Muhajir exclaimed. The reply of the Ansari was, “I was reciting a surah (chapter of the Qur’an) that I love, and I did not like to cut it off.”
Allahu Akbar (Allah is great!) Imagine this person’s state in the prayer.
The Sweetness of Prayer
The prayer is one of the most beautiful acts of worship. When one does his tasleem to end the prayer, there is a certain sense of serenity.
Ibn Al-Jawzi said about the prayer:
“We are in a garden, where our food is khushu` (devotion), and our drink is the tears that flow.”
For a person who has true devotion in his prayer, his soul is not even with him; as Ibn Taymiyah said, “His soul is actually circling the Throne of Allah.”
One could say that those were the people of old. No one feels this way anymore. But this isn’t true; one only has to realize the importance of prayer, and unlock the secrets of khushu` to taste this unique sweetness. Then the prayer becomes your refuge; the remover of your distress; something that you look forward to; and something that you wish would never end.
Let us begin to unlock these secrets and truly connect to our Lord when we pray.
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One only has to realize the importance of prayer, and unlock the secrets of khushu` to taste this unique sweetness.
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