Almighty says in His Book: "There is, in their stories, instruction for
men endued with understanding. It is not a tale invented, but a
confirmation of what went before it….
Allah Almighty says in His Book: "There
is, in their stories, instruction for men endued with understanding. It
is not a tale invented, but a confirmation of what went before it,- a
detailed exposition of all things, and a guide and a mercy to any such
as believe." [Yousif: Joseph:
111] Thus, if you want to memorize any story from the Quranic stories,
you have to understand it and deduce from it lessons and sermons.
Then, you start memorizing and you will find memorizing the story very
Surah is a truly a masterpiece of the Quranic stories… I remember how
this Surah was my start in the journey of memorizing the Almighty's
Book. One of the important things to find real enjoyment in memorizing
is to start by what you love and what interests you without sticking to
a certain ranking. Your objective will be is to please Allah Almighty
and perfecting memorizing the Quran or part of the Quran. The objective
is not to memorize the Quran according to its ranking. But if you
memorize one Surah thoroughly in sake of Allah, it is much better for
you than memorizing the whole Quran only for the sake of memorizing or
to have people say that you have memorized the Quran!
that was my systematic way of memorization. The result was that what I
had memorized stayed long though I did not revise it! I used to leave
everything, sit to memorize the Book of Allah Almighty, find great
pleasure in reciting the Quran and enjoy its meanings which capture
will try now memorizing Surah Joseph (pbuh). But before we start this
job, we need to divide this Surah into portions according to the events
of this story. Then, we memorize each portion alone, next, we connect
the portions to each other. We will find ourselves memorizing this Surah
without much effort.
will leave this Surah for you, dear reader to divide it into portions
that suit your ability to memorize. The portions may be large or small.
I will give you an idea about the story and the lessons it includes, so
that you feel with me the events and the situation which were hints
from this great Surah.
The best stories
stories of the prophets in the Holy Quran come within the Surah verses,
nonetheless, the Quran considered this story in a whole Surah because
of its importance, many lessons, sermons and the benefits which the
story had introduced to us. Therefore, we find Allah Almighty talk to
His beloved Mohammed (pbuh) said to him: "We
do relate unto thee the most beautiful of stories, in that We reveal to
thee this (portion of the) Qur'an: before this, thou too was among those
who knew it not."[Yousif: Joseph: 3]
Joseph dreamed and told his father, "Behold!
Joseph said to his father: "O my father! I did see eleven stars and the
sun and the moon: I saw them prostrate themselves to me!" 5.
Said (the father): "My (dear) little son! relate not thy vision to thy
brothers, lest they concoct a plot against thee: for Satan is to man an
avowed enemy! "[Yousif: Joseph: 4-5]. The father knows his sons
and he knows that Joseph was the best of his brothers who hate him.
Therefore, the father asked Joseph not to tell his brothers, because he
was afraid that they may hurt Joseph.
Joseph's brothers
had a number of brothers who envy him for being their father's
favorite. They wanted to separate him from their father and so they
tried always to concoct plots for Joseph because their father loves him
more. One day, they met and decided to take Joseph and throw him in the
well to get rid of him and gain Jacob's, their father, affection.
Therefore, they came, swindled their father and said, "They said: "O our father! why dost thou not trust us with Joseph,- seeing we are indeed his sincere well-wishers? 12. "Send him with us tomorrow to enjoy himself and play, and we shall take every care of him."
13. (Jacob) said: "Really it saddens me that ye should take him away: I
fear lest the wolf should devour him while ye attend not to him." 14.
They said: "If the wolf were to devour him while we are (so large) a
party, then should we indeed (first) have perished ourselves!" ."[Yousif:
Joseph: 11-14] Of course, they were lying to their father, and
therefore, their lying would be uncovered after a while.
They took Joseph
the father, (pbuh) agreed to send Joseph with his brothers who took him
to a place far away where there was the well. They swindled Joseph
and then threw him in the well before they hurried home! But before
that they had taken Joseph's shirt, dipped it in blood, came back to
their father weeping, and said, "Then they came to their father in the early part of the night, weeping.
17. They said: "O our father! We went racing with one another, and left
Joseph with our things; and the wolf devoured him.... But thou wilt
never believe us even though we tell the truth." 18.
They stained his shirt with false blood. He said: "Nay, but your minds
have made up a tale (that may pass) with you, (for me) patience is most
fitting: Against that which ye assert, it is Allah (alone) Whose help
can be sought". . ."[Yousif: Joseph: 16-18] Here, we see how
Jacob, the father, (pbuh) had faced this calamity with patience and
surrendered the whole issue to Allah… and so we must be patient on all
calamities and let Allah manages. We must not rely in all our issues
and life on anyone other than Allah.
What was the fate of Joseph?
was with Joseph and He did not leave him at all because Joseph was a
believer child who fears Allah and does not disobey Him. He used to love
Allah who loves him. Allah had arranged for Joseph a place in the well
that he did not feel afraid. Allah protected him from any harm. Joseph
sat in the well waiting for who may come and save him until a caravan
who sent their servant to bring them water from the well. When he put
down the bucket into the well, Joseph held it and climbed up with it.
The servant saw Joseph, hurried back and said: I have found a child!!
Hence, one of the merchants took him to Egypt and availed him for selling. One of the princes, Al-Aziz came and bought him for a miserable price, only few dirhams. "The (Brethren) sold him for a miserable price, for a few dirhams counted out: in such low estimation did they hold him! 21. The man in Egypt
who bought him, said to his wife: "Make his stay (among us) honourable:
maybe he will bring us much good, or we shall adopt him as a son."[Yousif: Joseph: 20-21]
A new journey starts
Aziz took Joseph, the child, and brought him up in a good manner. He
always used to tell his wife to dignify this kid because he was good.
Josef was getting gradually older and increasingly beautiful, knowledge
and wisdom. Here, Allah describes this stage of Prophet Joseph’s (pbuh)
life and says, "When Joseph attained His full manhood, We gave him power and knowledge: thus do We reward those who do right.” [Yousif: Joseph: 22]
this journey included some troubles that Allah had prescribed for
Joseph (pbuh). Aziz's wife was fond of Joseph and she tried to sleep
with him but he was always refusing. He was saying: My master Aziz has
dignified me a lot and I fear Allah Almighty, how come that I make
things that make Allah angry? Therefore, every believer who loves Allah
Almighty should stop committing sin that makes Allah Almighty angry. He
should be in the state of permanent fear of Allah. Allah sees us
wherever we are. Therefore, Joseph said, " He said: "(Allah) forbid! truly (thy husband) is my lord! he made my sojourn agreeable! truly to no good come those who do wrong!" [Yousif: Joseph: 23] At the time, a master or a chief was called lord.
Joseph goes to prison
wife was furious of Joseph, tried to approach him forcibly and to
compel him to sleep with her but he refused and escaped. While he was
running away from her, she tore his shirt from behind. Suddenly, Aziz
appeared in front of them. His wife hurried to tell him: Joseph had
attacked her!! Joseph defended himself saying: she was trying me to
commit adultery but I ran away from her and she tore my shirt from
wise relative to Aziz’s wife came to judge between them. He said: if
Joseph’s shirt was torn from behind, it meant he was running away and
she was chasing and attacking him and thus his shirt was torn from
Aziz checked Joseph’s shirt to find that it was torn from behind. This
proved that Joseph was innocent of his wife’s accusations and was
sincere in each word he had said. Aziz reprimanded his wife for what
wrong she had done to Joseph and asked to repent from this wrong deed.
But the word was spread in the city and ladies started to talk about
Aziz’s wife, her love to Joseph and she was wrong. But Aziz’s wife
summoned the city ladies and gave each one a knife and then asked Joseph
to get out. When they saw Joseph, they were crazy of his beauty to the
extent that they cut their fingers with the knives unknowingly! The
ladies were saying: This was a nonhuman, but a kind angel. Then, Aziz’s
wife said to the ladies: This is Joseph whom you blamed me of. I will
send him to prison if he does not carry out what I ask him to do.
Joseph interprets dreams
Aziz thought that if he put Joseph in prison, the issue and the city
ladies talk would end. We may wonder if we knew that Joseph (pbuh) had
preferred jail to committing a sin… therefore, He said: "O
my Lord! the prison is more to my liking than that to which they invite
me: Unless Thou turn away their snare from me, I should (in my youthful
folly) feel inclined towards them and join the ranks of the
ignorant." 34. So his Lord hearkened to him (in
his prayer), and turned away from him their snare: Verily He heareth and
knoweth (all things)." [Yousif: Joseph: 33-34]
went to prison and Allah had arranged for him to meet two other guys in
prison. One of them said: I saw a dream that I would like to ask about
its interpretation. I saw myself squeezing grapes to make wine.
Joseph said: the interpretation of this dream was that you will carry
wine and give your lord to drink. This is what will happen to you but
you live and therefore please tell your lord my story and that I can
interpret dreams.
second guy said: I saw a dream that I would like to ask about its
interpretation. I saw myself standing and bread was on my head. Birds
came and ate from this bread. Joseph said: the interpretation of this
dream is you will be crucified on wood till you pass away and then birds
will come and eat from your head!
two guys left the prison and as Joseph told, the second guy made a
mistake, thus was crucified, died and birds came to eat from his head.
While the first guy took wine and gave his lord to drink but he forgot
to tell him about Joseph’s story.
The king sees a dream
The king of Egypt
saw a dream while he was sleeping. He summoned his ministers the next
day and asked for an interpretation for this dream. He said: I had seen
seven fat cows i.e. fleshy and heavy weight. The king continued
telling his dream and said: I saw also seven lean cows i.e. emaciated
and skinny. I saw also seven green ears of corn and seven dry ones.
king was asking an interpretation to his dream and asked them to bring
whoever could interpret that dream. They said: we do not know dream
interpretation but we look for someone who could do that. “The king (of Egypt)
said: "I do see (in a vision) seven fat kine, whom seven lean ones
devour, and seven green ears of corn, and seven (others) withered. O ye
chiefs! Expound to me my vision if it be that ye can interpret visions." [Yousif: Joseph: 43]
Then, that guy who was with Joseph in prison came and remembered that
Joseph could interpret this dream. But Joseph was in prison what to
do? The guy went to the king’s palace and told them that there is a man
who can interpret this dream and his name is Joseph but he is in
prison. They went to Joseph, told him the dream and asked for
interpreting the king’s dream.
Joseph interprets the dream
said to them: the interpretation of this dream that the seven fat cows
denote that seven years of good will come, and the crop of wheat will be
in abundance. The other seven skinny cows denote that seven years of
drought and very little crop will follow. However, a year will follow
these years of drought when it will rain, the plants grow again and the
famine ends. Allah Almighty says about this, “(Joseph)
said: "For seven years shall ye diligently sow as is your wont: and the
harvests that ye reap, ye shall leave them in the ear,- except a
little, of which ye shall eat. 48. "Then will come
after that (period) seven dreadful (years), which will devour what ye
shall have laid by in advance for them,- (all) except a little which ye
shall have (specially) guarded. 49. "Then will
come after that (period) a year in which the people will have abundant
water, and in which they will press (wine and oil)." [Yousif: Joseph: 47-49]
king was pleased with this interpretation, worked on utilizing the good
years, stored corn in storage areas and also prepared for the years of
drought that will follow.
The truth shows
the king ordered to bring Joseph in front of him but Joseph refused
until he was declared innocent of the accusations that led him to
prison, and that Aziz’s wife was the one who enticed him and that he
would not be the attacker but she was the one who assaulted him. At this
moment, Aziz’s wife came and said: Now I tell the truth, Joseph was
innocent of the accusation that took him to prison, I was the one who
tried to entice him but he refused and he did not do anything that makes
Allah angry.
Holly Quran tells us in rhetoric and wonderful style about the
innocence of our Prophet Joseph (pbuh) and this is Aziz’s wife or as the
Quran called her the woman of Aziz, “Said the
'Aziz's wife: "Now is the truth manifest (to all): it was I who sought
to seduce him from his (true) self: He is indeed of those who are (ever)
true (and virtuous). 52. "This (say I), in order
that He may know that I have never been false to him in his absence, and
that Allah will never guide the snare of the false ones.” [Yousif: Joseph: 51-52]
was how the truth appeared and Aziz’s wife admitted it. She was the
one who tried to commit adultery that makes Allah Almighty angry.
Innocence of Joseph had come and the king knew that this youth was
sincere, pure and a believer. Therefore, he sent someone to bring
Joseph to him. When Joseph came and appeared in front of the king, the
king said to him: Today you have become strong and we will give you what
you want and I shall depend on you.
replied: I have knowledge in managing money and accounts, please assign
me this position. I will handle all accounts in a perfect manner. The
king gave the position to Joseph. Egypt flourished during the time of Joseph and became richer and stronger. Allah Almighty says, “Thus
did We give established power to Joseph in the land, to take possession
therein as, when, or where he pleased. We bestow of our Mercy on whom
We please, and We suffer not, to be lost, the reward of those who do
good.” [Yousif: Joseph: 56]
The seven year famine
The famine occurred. The seven good years ended and were replaced by the seven years of drought. People resorted on Egypt
King to give them corn for their feeding. The king assigned that
responsibility to Joseph (pbuh) who was responsible for distribution of
corn to the people from different countries. The famine reached the village of Jacob (pbuh), father of Joseph, who sent his sons, the brothers of Joseph, to Egypt to bring some corn.
They went to Egypt
to bring corn from our Prophet Joseph and they did not know that he was
Joseph. They believed that he was being taken by some people and
became their servant. They did not imagine at all that Joseph was the
honorable of Egypt
distributing corn and controlling the money and the treasure of the
whole country. Allah Almighty says about this stage of Joseph’s life, “Thus
did We give established power to Joseph in the land, to take possession
therein as, when, or where he pleased. We bestow of our Mercy on whom
We please, and We suffer not, to be lost, the reward of those who do
good. 57. But verily the reward of the Hereafter is the best, for those who believe, and are constant in righteousness.”
[Yousif: Joseph: 56:57] This was how Allah had made our Prophet Joseph
stronger holding what he wanted, went to and fro freely. This was by
the grace of Allah Almighty to our Prophet Joseph because he endured too
much the harm of his brothers.
Joseph’s brothers come
brother came to him but they did not recognize him; nonetheless, he
recognized them!! He asked them: How much corn do you need? They said:
We need an amount that will satisfy us, our father and our younger
brother who remained with his father. He said: Why didn’t you bring
your younger brother with you?? They said: Our father is much related to
him and he won’t let him at all. Joseph said to them: I will give you
what you need of corn on condition that you bring me your younger
brother whom you left with your father. Almighty says, “And
when he had furnished them forth with provisions (suitable) for them,
he said: "Bring unto me a brother ye have, of the same father as
yourselves, (but a different mother): see ye not that I pay out full
measure, and that I do provide the best hospitality? 60. "Now if ye bring him not to me, ye shall have no measure (of corn) from me, nor shall ye (even) come near me." 61. They said: "We shall certainly seek to get our wish about him from his father: Indeed we shall do it." [Yousif: Joseph: 59-61]
Allah is the best to take care
They returned to their father and said to him: O father can we take our brother with us because Egypt
governor stopped us from taking our corn share. He wanted us to bring
our younger brother. Their father said: do you want me to send him with
you to do what you have done to Joseph?? “But Allah is the best to take care (of him), and He is the Most Merciful of those who show mercy!" [Yousif: Joseph: 64]!!!
replied: O father, we will bring him back to you and do no harm to him.
We will take him with us to get the corn and come back. Father said: I
won’t send with you until you swear to Allah Almighty that you will
bring him back to me and till you give me a solemn oath to Allah that
you bring him back to me unless Allah estimate something out of your
Joseph’s brothers promised their father not to hurt their younger
brother and they will bring him back to their father as soon as they get
corn from Egypt. Almighty says, “Further he
said: "O my sons! enter not all by one gate: enter ye by different
gates. Not that I can profit you aught against Allah (with my advice):
None can command except Allah. On Him do I put my trust: and let all
that trust put their trust on Him." [Yousif: Joseph: 67]
They went back again
Joseph's brothers targeted Egypt
accompanied by their younger brother. They surrounded him with all the
care and diligence till they have arrived Joseph. They came to Joseph
with their younger brother who was good-hearted and did not want to hurt
anyone. He was different from his brothers and this was why he had
this proximity to his father after Joseph had gone. Joseph (pbuh) did
not want to tell them he was Joseph and left them unaware. However, he
called his younger brother and told him not to fear. That was me your
brother Joseph and the younger brother was very pleased. Joseph told
him not to tell his brothers. I would make a simple trick to keep you
with me without they were aware of that. Here, the Quran tells us about
that in saying of Almighty, "Now when they
came into Joseph's presence, he received his (full) brother to stay with
him. He said (to him): "Behold! I am thy (own) brother; so grieve not
at aught of their doings." [Yousif: Joseph: 69] He kept his
brother beside him and took into the palace without they noted that. He
told him not to be sad about what was happening. Joseph (pbuh) wanted
to make a simple trick to take his younger brother.
The beaker of the king
ordered his guys to put the king's beaker which was used to weigh corn
in his brother's luggage. Then, he ordered them to declare it stolen and
look for it! They started the search for the king's beaker in Joseph's
brothers 'luggage. Suddenly, they got the beaker from the younger
brother's luggage. Here, Joseph's guys declared that the younger
brother was the thief of the beaker and he had to go to prison!
brothers said: We did not come here to steal, but this young kid was a
thief, nonetheless, we had to take him back to his father because he
would be very sad. Joseph told them: Who stole would be sent to prison
and I would not let him go with you. They said: O Aziz our brother has
an old father and we cannot go back without him. Then, they begged Aziz a
lot, but he refused to send his younger brother with them. He had him
stay in the palace with him and he was very generous to him. He started
to talk with him about their father Jacob. Almighty says, "They
said: "O exalted one! Behold! he has a father, aged and venerable, (who
will grieve for him); so take one of us in his place; for we see that
thou art (gracious) in doing good." 79 He said:
"(Allah) forbid that we take other than him with whom we found our
property: indeed (if we did so), we should be acting wrongfully." [Yousif: Joseph: 78-79]
Joseph's brothers in confusion
brothers were increasingly dithered in this situation, and they did not
know what to do after they had given their father a promise and
testament to bring his younger son. Therefore, the elder brother said
to them: Go back to your father and tell him what happened and say that
your younger son stole and we are sincere. Here, the Book of Allah
Almighty describes this difficult situation, Allah Almighty says, "Now
when they saw no hope of his (yielding), they held a conference in
private. The leader among them said: "Know ye not that your father did
take an oath from you in Allah’s name, and how, before this, ye did fail
in your duty with Joseph? Therefore will I not leave this land until my
father permits me, or Allah commands me; and He is the best to
command. 81. "Turn ye back to your father, and
say, 'O our father! behold! thy son committed theft! we bear witness
only to what we know, and we could not well guard against the unseen! " [Yousif: Joseph: 80-81]
They went back to their father
Joseph's brothers went back to their father, Jacob, (pbuh), told him
what happened with them and their younger brother had stolen and gone to
prison! Here, this father's sadness increased and told them: You must
have done him harm. I will be patient until Allah returns him and also
Joseph with him. “Jacob said: "Nay, but ye
have yourselves contrived a story (good enough) for you. So patience is
most fitting (for me). Maybe Allah will bring them (back) all to me (in
the end). For He is indeed full of knowledge and wisdom" [Yousif:
Joseph: 83] Jacob was sad of his sons and he did not find in front of
him anything but resorted to Allah Almighty in this difficult
circumstances and distanced himself from them saying, " and said:"How great is my grief for Joseph!" [Yousif: Joseph: 84] He repeats this statement and felt sorry for Joseph and his brother and how he had sent him with them.
Jacob loses his sight
became blind from great sadness. He lost sight because he was very sad
for the loss of his sons. His sons were trying to reduce his sadness but
it increased with grief and pain for his sons were the most precious
thing in his life.
came again and told their father: Do not remember Joseph because this
affects your health a lot. However, he complained his sadness to Allah
almighty. The Quran tells us about Jacob's speech, his talk to Allah "He said: "I only complain of my distraction and anguish to Allah, and I know from Allah that which ye know not..."
[Yousif: Joseph: 86] Anguish is extreme sadness. Consider with me this
wonderful speech when Jacob was on the climax of sadness but he did not
lose hope in Allah, "and I know from Allah that which ye know not..." but I am sure that Allah will return them to me soon!!! This is the patience of prophets. Where are we from this patience?!
we have the ability for such patience? When we encounter any calamity,
do we remember the story of Joseph and Jacob's sadness for his sons,
how he lost his sight but he did not lose hope in Allah Almighty. How to
lose hope in Allah, and Allah is the most merciful?
our Prophet Jacob started a practical example for this trust in Allah,
and he said to his sons: go and look for Joseph and his brother, and do
not give up of Allah mercy!! Let us read this in the Holly Quran's
words. "O
my sons! go ye and enquire about Joseph and his brother, and never give
up hope of Allah’s Soothing Mercy: truly no one despairs of Allah’s
Soothing Mercy, except those who have no faith." [Yousif: Joseph:
87] Thus our Prophet Jacob (pbuh) asked his sons to search and look in
every place, not in a hurry but quietly and not to despair of the mercy
of Allah Almighty.
The brothers went back again
Joseph’s brothers have suffered a lot on their father. They went back to Egypt
to see Aziz (Joseph) who they did not know that he was Joseph, their
brother. They arrived at Joseph and said to him: We have suffered a
lot, our father has lost his sight, and we do not have anything left.
We beg you to send our younger brother with us. Maybe, when we return
him to his father, he regains his sight.
said: Now you become begging, do you know what you had done to your
brother Joseph before?? Do you remember when you threw him in the
well?? They promptly screamed: Are you Joseph!!!? He said: Yes and this
is my younger brother. We were patient a lot and therefore Allah had
blessed us and saved us from you. “They said:
"Art thou indeed Joseph?" He said, "I am Joseph, and this is my brother:
Allah has indeed been gracious to us (all): behold, he that is
righteous and patient,- never will Allah suffer the reward to be lost,
of those who do right." 91. They said: "By Allah. indeed has Allah preferred thee above us, and we certainly have been guilty of sin!" 92.
He said: "This day let no reproach be (cast) on you: Allah will forgive
you, and He is the Most Merciful of those who show mercy!” [Yousif: Joseph: 90-92]
Jacob regains his sight
(pbuh) said to them: But now take my shirt to your father. Put this
shirt on his face, and his sight will be back. I request that you bring
with you all your family to the palace. When they returned to their
father carrying the shirt and before they reached their house, Jacob,
the father, (pbuh) smelt Joseph’s sweat. Immediately, he said: I smell
my son, Joseph. Those who around him said: Do you still remember Joseph
who was eaten by a wolf?
brothers arrived and put the shirt on their father’s face. His sight
was back as it had been before!! Jacob said to them: I have told you
that I knew things from Allah you do not know. Here, Joseph’s brothers
felt their mistake and guilt, thus they sought pardon and forgiveness
and they said to their father: “They said: "O our father! ask for us forgiveness for our sins, for we were truly at fault." 98. He said: "Soon will I ask my Lord for forgiveness for you: for he is indeed Oft-Forgiving, Most Merciful."
[Yousif: Joseph: 97-98] They admitted their mistake. That was a good
thing. Jacob (pbuh) promised them to ask Allah for forgiveness and
repentance to their sins.
The dream comes true
Jacob praised Allah a lot after he rejoiced that his son Joseph was still alive and became king of Egypt, besides regaining his sight. He took his sons, headed to Egypt
and entered the palace of the king, Joseph. The custom was that anyone
who appeared in front of the king had to prostrate and kneel in front
of him. When Joseph's father and his mother came into the palace, Joseph
raised them on the throne in respect and tribute to them.
Then, his eleven brothers came in and prostrated to him. By doing this, Joseph's dream came true when he said, "Behold!
Joseph said to his father: "O my father! I did see eleven stars and the
sun and the moon: I saw them prostrate themselves to me!"
[Yousif: Joseph: 4] .What is meant by eleven stars was that his brothers
were eleven and the sun and the moon denoted to his father and mother.
Thus, the dream that he had seen when he was young came true. In this
scene, Joseph stayed in modesty in front of his parents and modesty to
Allah Almighty. He remembered Allah grace and never forgot it. He
addressed his father saying, "And he raised
his parents high on the throne (of dignity), and they fell down in
prostration, (all) before him. He said: "O my father! this is the
fulfilment of my vision of old! Allah hath made it come true!” [Yousif: Joseph: 100]
Our Prophet Joseph's (pbuh) supplication
Prophet Joseph had made a great supplication in this situation in which
he expressed his thanks to Allah Almighty. He remembered the greatness
of the Creator Almighty and admitted that he is Allah's slave no matter
how much dominance he had obtained. He asked Allah Almighty to breathe
his last on faith and Islam. He asked Allah to make him one of the good
people and unite with them on the Day of Resurrection. Let us read the
wonderful style of the Quran in illustrating our Prophet Joseph (pbuh), "O
my Lord! Thou hast indeed bestowed on me some power, and taught me
something of the interpretation of dreams and events,- O Thou Creator of
the heavens and the earth! Thou art my Protector in this world and in
the Hereafter. Take Thou my soul (at death) as one submitting to Thy
will (as a Muslim), and unite me with the righteous." [Yousif: Joseph: 101]
Finally, Allah Almighty sealed this beautiful story by addressing our beloved Apostle Mohammed (pbuh) saying, “Such
is one of the stories of what happened unseen, which We reveal by
inspiration unto thee; nor wast thou (present) with them then when they
concerted their plans together in the process of weaving their plots.”
[Yousif: Joseph: 102] This story is about unseen news which only Allah
Almighty knows. You O Allah’s Apostle, you did not have knowledge of
this story and the deception that Joseph's brothers made unless Allah
was who told you that.
Sermons and lessons from Joseph's story
had saved Joseph when he was in the well, because he was a believer in
Allah and confident of Allah’s Almighty grace. He was obedient to his
parents. Here, we learn that whoever obeys Allah, his Apostle, and his
parents, Allah will bless his soul and save him from the perils. If you
want Allah to be on your side in difficult times, be with Allah in your
regular times. When our Prophet Joseph (pbuh) was exposed to Aziz's
wife assault, he refused to disobey Allah because he feared Allah and
therefore Allah saved him.
Even in difficult times when he went to prison, we find him to be patient and preferred prison to sin and he said, "He
said: "Before any food comes (in due course) to feed either of you, I
will surely reveal to you the truth and meaning of this ere it befall
you: that is part of the (duty) which my Lord hath taught me. I have (I
assure you) abandoned the ways of a people that believe not in Allah and
that (even) deny the Hereafter. 38. "And I follow
the ways of my fathers,- Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob; and never could we
attribute any partners whatever to Allah. that (comes) of the grace of
Allah to us and to mankind: yet most men are not grateful." [Yousif: Joseph: 37-38]
story teaches us patience in all its kinds. Patience of the father on
his sons, the brother on his brothers and the believer when he
encounters difficult situations where he resorts on Allah Almighty. It
teaches us that lying does not last long. Joseph's brothers lied to
their father and said that the wolf had eaten Joseph. But this lie did
not continue, and what they are was revealed. Then, they felt their
error, remorse and grief. We also learn that Allah Almighty does not
abandon patient believers. In spite of all the situations that Joseph
experienced in his life, he always found Allah to his side and this is
the true believer.
believer must not be arrogant when Allah has bestowed on him grace,
office and wealth. The believer who Allah loves is the one who becomes
more modest whenever his wealth, knowledge and rank increase. Thus,
Joseph said a great saying that reflects his strong faith in Allah: “They
said: "Art thou indeed Joseph?" He said, "I am Joseph, and this is my
brother: Allah has indeed been gracious to us (all): behold, he that is
righteous and patient,- never will Allah suffer the reward to be lost,
of those who do right." [Yousif: Joseph: 90]
piety and patience are the only way to charity which leads to paradise.
Here, patience must be for the sake of Allah Almighty.
Prophet Jacob (pbuh) had a great position reflected in his absolute
confidence in the mercy of Allah while he was highly distressed!
Nonetheless, he ordered his sons not despair of the mercy and grace of
Allah Almighty. So, he said, “He said: "I only complain of my distraction and anguish to Allah, and I know from Allah that which ye know not... 87.
"O my sons! go ye and enquire about Joseph and his brother, and never
give up hope of Allah’s Soothing Mercy: truly no one despairs of Allah’s
Soothing Mercy, except those who have no faith."[Yousif:
Joseph: 86-87] A disbeliever is the one who is despair of the
generosity and grace of Allah while a believer whenever he encounters
calamity, he will resort on Allah who he finds him near and responsive.
Prophet Joseph (pbuh) was on top of sovereignty in the greatest country
of its time but he did not forget that he would die and go back to
Allah and Allah would reward him on his deeds. So, he said, “Take Thou my soul (at death) as one submitting to Thy will (as a Muslim), and unite me with the righteous." [Yousif: Joseph: 101]
Now my beloved brother
can memorize this story after you have understood it. That is you
should select a number of verses that make an independent portion. The
Surah portions may count to twenty for example. You memorize the first
portion followed by the second one, and then you join the two and
memorize them together.
that, you start with the third portion followed by the fourth, and then
you join them together and memorize them continuously. Next, you
memorize the four portions before you take the rest. You start
repeating the four portions as if they are one portion until you
memorize them all. Then, you move to the fifth followed by the sixth and
then you join between them… and so according to the chain of portions
until you finish the whole Surah successfully if Allah Almighty wills.
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