Non-Muslims and those who deny the Sunnah of the Prophet (sallAllahu ‘alaihi wa sallam) need to read and study not only the Qur’an as the source of divine guidance but also the Prophet’s Sunnah (authentic Ahadeeth). Both the Qur’an and the Sunnah teach and guide mankind to believe and to do righteous deeds. To reiterate, the Qur’an and the Sunnah constitute what is true and authentic Islam.  Those who adhere to the Qur’an and Sunnah receive Allah’s rewards for every good deed done for the sake of Allah the Most Merciful:

Anas ibn Malik (radhyAllahu ‘anhu) narrated that Allah’s Messenger (sallAllahu ‘alaihi wa sallam) said: “Verily, Allah does not treat a believer unjustly in regard to his virtues. He would confer upon him (His blessings) in this world and would give him reward in the Hereafter. And as regards a non-believer, he would be made to taste the reward (of virtue in this world) what he has done for himself so much when it would be the Hereafter, he would find no virtue for which he should be rewarded.” (Reported by Muslim, 6739)

Sa’d ibn Abu Waqqas (radhyAllahu ‘anhu) narrated that Allah’s Messenger (sallAllahu ‘alaihi wa sallam) said, “It is a fine thing when a believer praises and thanks Allah if good comes to him, and praises Allah and shows endurance if smitten by affliction. The believer is rewarded for everything, even for the morsel he raises to his wife’s mouth.” (Reported by Tirmidhi, 1733 and Bayhaqi)

Sa’d ibn Abu Waqqas (radhyAllahu ‘anhu) narrated that Allah’s Messenger (sallAllahu ‘alaihi wa sallam) said, “...Whatever you spend (for Allah’s sake) you will be rewarded for it, even for a morsel of food which you may put in the mouth of your wife.” (Reported by Bukhari,Vol. 8, Hadeeth 725 and  Vol. 1, Hadeeth 53)

Abu Dharr (radhyAllahu ‘anhu) narrated that... Allah’s Messenger (sallAllahu ‘alaihi wa sallam) said, “Those who have much wealth (in this world) will be the least rewarded (in the Hereafter) except those who do like this and like this (i.e., spend their money in charity).” (Reported by Bukhari, Vol. 8, Hadeeth 285)

Qais ibn Abu Hazim (radhyAllahu ‘anhu) narrated that.... Allah’s Messenger (sallAllahu ‘alaihi wa sallam) said, “A Muslim is rewarded (in the Hereafter) for whatever he spends except for something that he spends on building.” (Reported by Bukhari, Vol. 7, Hadeeth 576)

Hakim ibn Hizam (radhyAllahu ‘anhu) narrated: I said to Allah’s Messenger (sallAllahu ‘alaihi wa sallam), “Before embracing Islam I used to do good deeds like giving in charity, slave-manumitting, and the keeping of good relations with kith and kin. Shall I be rewarded for those deeds?” The Prophet (sallAllahu ‘alaihi wa sallam) replied, “You became Muslim with all those good deeds (without losing their reward).” (Reported by Bukhari, Vol. 2, Hadeeth 517)

Islam guides every believing Muslim to the various ways of earning Allah’s rewards in order to seek His Mercy and attain peace and success. Alhamdullillah (Praise be to Allah), Allah has legislated many righteous deeds for the benefits of mankind. Likewise, Allah’s Messenger (sallAllahu ‘alaihi wa sallam) teaches us through his authentic Ahadeeth many different good deeds to be devoted worshippers of Allah.  If we want to earn Allah’s Mercy and attain His tremendous rewards especially in the eternal life hereafter we need to read, study, implement and if possible share these good deeds to others. Some of the many good deeds which deserve Allah’s rewards from the Prophet’s authentic Ahadeeth are quoted as follows.

Purifying one’s intention for doing good thing for the pleasure of Allah the Most Merciful:

‘Umar Bin Al-Khattab (radhyAllahu ‘anhu) said “I heard Allah’s Messenger (sallAllahu ‘alaihi wa sallam) saying, ‘The reward of deeds depends upon the intentions and every person will get the reward according to what he has intended. Thus he whose migration was for Allah and His Messenger, his migration had been for Allah and His Messenger, and he whose migration was to achieve some worldly benefit or take some woman in marriage, his migration had been for that for which he migrated.’”( Reported by Bukhari, Vol. 1, Hadeeth 1 and Muslim Vol. 3, Hadeeth 4692)

Intention to do good deeds:

Abu Hurairah (radhyAllahu ‘anhu) narrated that the Prophet (sallAllahu ‘alaihi wa sallam) said, “Allah ordered (the appointed angels over you) that the good and the bad deeds be written. He then showed (the way) how (to write). If somebody intends to do a good deed and he does not do it, then Allah will write for him a full good deed (in his account with Him). If he intends to do a good deed and actually did it, then Allah will write for him (in his account) with Him (its reward equal) from ten to seven hundred times to many more times. If somebody intended to do a bad deed and he does not do it, then Allah will write a full good deed (in his account) with Him; and if he intended to do it (a bad deed) and actually did it, then Allah will write one bad deed (in his account).” (Reported by Bukhari, Vol. 8, Hadeeth 498 and Vol. 9 Hadeeth 592)

Sincerity in Embracing Islam:

 Abu Sa’id Al-Khudri (radhyAllahu ‘anhu) narrated that Allah’s Messenger (sallAllahu ‘alaihi wa sallam) said, “If a person embraces Islam sincerely, then Allah shall forgive all his past sins. And after that starts the settlement of accounts. The reward of his good deeds will be ten times to seven hundred times for each good deed and an evil deed will be recorded as it is unless Allah forgives it.” (Reported by Bukhari, Vol. 1, Hadeeth 40)

Sincere declaration of Shahadah (To testify that none has the right to be worshipped but Allah):

Abu Hurairah (radhyAllahu ‘anhu) narrated that Allah’s Messenger (sallAllahu ‘alaihi wa sallam) said, “The luckiest person who will have my intercession will be the one who said sincerely from the bottom of his heart, “La ilaha ilAllah.”“(“None has the right to be worshipped but Allah…)” (Reported by Bukhari, Vol. 1, Hadeeth 98 and Vol. 8, Hadeeth 574)

Abu Hurairah (radhyAllahu ‘anhu) narrated that he said “O Allah’s Messenger (sallAllahu ‘alaihi wa sallam)!  Who will be the luckiest person who will gain your intercession on the day of Resurrection?” Allah’s Messenger (sallAllahu ‘alaihi wa sallam) said: “O Abu Hurairah! I have thought that none will ask me about it before you as I know your eagerness to (learn) the Hadeeth. The luckiest person who will have my intercession on the Day of Resurrection will be one who said sincerely from (the bottom of) his heart La ilaha ilAllah (none has the right to be worshipped but Allah).” (Reported by Bukhari, Vol. 1, Hadeeth 98)

Abu Hurairah (or Abu Sa’id Al Khudri) (radhyAllahu ‘anhu) narrated that Allah’s Messenger (sallAllahu ‘alaihi wa sallam) remarked, “I bear testimony that there is no god but Allah and I am Allah’s Messenger. The man who meets his Rabb without harboring any doubt about these two (truths) will never be kept away from Paradise.” (Reported by Muslim, Hadeeth 42)

Anas (radhyAllahu ‘anhu) narrated that the Prophet (sallAllahu ‘alaihi wa sallam) said, “Whoever said La ilaha ilAllah (none has the right to be worshipped but Allah) and has in his heart good (faith) equal to the weight of a barley grain, will be taken out of hell. And whoever said La ilaha ilAllah (none has the right to be worshipped but Allah) and has in his heart good (faith) equal to the weight of a wheat grain, will be taken out of hell.  And whoever said La ilaha ilAllah and has in his heart good (faith) equal to the weight of an atom, or a small ant, will be taken out of hell.” (Reported by Bukhari, Vol. 1, Hadeeth 42)

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