In the Qur’an, Allah refers to Himself as,
… the Most Merciful of the merciful… (Al-Anbiyaa’ 21: 83)
It is also stated that:
Provided that one asks for repentance, anyone who does evil will find Allah forgiving. (An-Nisaa’ 4: 110)
For this reason, people must reflect upon this attribute of Allah and pray with hope. No matter how serious an error a person may have committed, and is in deep remorse over it, it is not a reason for him or her to despair of Allah’s forgiveness. Thus, the state of mind caused by erring and committing a sin must never become an impediment for a prayer of hope for forgiveness, for Allah states in the Qur’an that only disbelievers lose hope in Allah’s mercy:
… Do not despair of solace from Allah. No one despairs of solace from Allah except for people who disbelieve. (Yusuf 12: 87)
In addition, no one is immune to punishment in Hell. Indeed Allah warns people against this, saying:
No one is safe from the punishment of his Lord. (Al-Ma`arij 70: 28)
For this reason, everyone must fear Allah as much as he or she can. Human beings, whose life is a test, are always vulnerable to Satan’s cunning deceptions and are thus very likely to go astray and turn away from the righteous path. Nobody is guaranteed a place in Paradise. This makes a person fear failing to attain Allah’s good pleasure, while hoping for Allah’s mercy.
Indeed, one of the attributes of a true believer that distinguishes him from all others is his fear of Allah, since a disbeliever doubts even the existence of Hell. Believers, however, are fully cognizant of Hell’s existence, and they see it as a very serious threat. Having an unswerving faith in the Day of Judgment, they feel the greatest fear.
Only a person who has faith in Allah and avoids arrogance is influenced in her conduct by this fear: she feels no doubt about the existence and severity of the torment of Hell, and never assumes an attitude or behavior that may involve the risk of being thrown into it. She only aspires to the life in the hereafter that abounds with infinite beauty and makes every effort to distance herself from torment.
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We must remember that prayer is both an important duty towards Allah and a means that will help us attain our next lives.
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