He awakes in the middle of the night with a purpose. Slowly, he gets out of bed and quietly slips off to the bathroom so not to awaken the others. Inside he feels refreshed as the cool water splashes on his face, arms and feet. Revived, he heads out with a purpose to his prayer room.
He has had a very difficult day with a lot of questions echoing in his head, but he did not complain to anybody, as he knows there is only One who can assist him; the One who ordered him to seek assistance through prayer and patience. So, here he is, seeking assistance through prayer, while many others sleep.
He raises his hands above his shoulders and proclaims the greatness of his Creator Allahu Akbar! (Allah is Greatest), then folds them on his chest. Quietly, he seeks protection from the accursed Satan, and begins in the name of his Lord. He recites Al-Fatihah (the opening chapter of the Qur’an) in beautiful rhythmic tones. He takes his time, knowing that after every verse, his Lord replies. ‘All praise is for Allah, the Lord of the Worlds’, he begins. He can feel the response within him, ‘My slave has praised me!’
‘Most Gracious, Most Merciful’, he continues. ‘My slave has glorified me!’ is the response. ‘Master of the Day of Judgment’, he affirms. ‘My slave has related all matters to me’, Allah responds. ‘You alone we worship and You alone we ask for help’, he attests. Allah’s reply fills his heart with hope and joy, ‘This is between me and my servant and my servant will have whatever he asks for!’
At this point, he breaks down into tears as he asks Allah for the most important thing in his life, ‘Guide us to the straight path, the path of those who have earned your favor, not of those who have earned your anger or have gone astray!’ He feels peace as he internalizes Allah’s response, ’This is for my slave and my slave will have what he asked for’.
He then recites further and feels Allah’s guidance in every verse he recites. For whichever chapter of the Qur’an he chooses to recite from, he is assured that he will find guidance as Allah has testified, ‘this is the book in which there is no doubt, it is a guidance for those who are conscious of Allah’. After completing his emotional recitation in which he pondered over Allah’s wise and reassuring words, he bows in rukū’ and glorifies his Lord for His guidance and mercy.
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He stays like this for several minutes with only Allah knowing what he is saying.
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