The Land of Arabia submitted to that which they were at first hesitant to do and the people of Makkah entered into Islam. Then Allah’s religion spread amongst the people and Allah was highly pleased and satisfied with the Prophet’s companions after being abhorred, detested and hated people in the time prior to Islam. Iyaad ibn Himaar al Mujaasha’ee said that the Prophet Muhammad said:

 “Allah looked at the people of the earth and hated them, Arabs and non-Arabs alike, except a remnant of the People of the Book. He said: I have only sent you to test you and test others through you. I have also revealed to you a book that cannot be washed away with water, which you recite while sleeping and when you’re awake.”[1] Then Allah announced and proclaimed His pleasure and satisfaction of the companions of Allah’s Messenger by saying:

“Those who took precedence in embracing Islam of those who migrated from Makkah to al Madinah and the citizens of al Madinah who helped and gave aid to the migrating people and those who imitate them in their beliefs. Allah is well pleased with them as they are pleased with Him. He has prepared for them Gardens under which rivers flow (paradise) to dwell therein forever. That is the great success.” (Surah at Tawbah 9:100)

Allah also says:

“Indeed Allah was pleased with the believers when they gave the pledge to you O Muhammad under the tree, Allah knew what was in their hearts, and He sent down calmness and tranquility upon them and He rewarded them with a near victory.” (Surah al Fath 48:18)

The conflict, confusion and differences between the people were eventually eliminated and became non-existent. This led to the unification of these people (companions) until they became as one heart upon the best of guidance (Qur’an and Sunnah). Becoming leaders and guiding others, after they used to be misguided and enemies constantly fighting and killing each other. Allah the Most Gracious granted them victory and opened up the treasures of the earth for them after being from those who suffered from starvation and hunger; where the strong devoured the weak, by looting, plundering, and robbery. They were given all of these things solely because of their adherence to the ‘sincere religion’ of Islam, and implementing it into their beliefs and actions.

Furthermore, Allah warned the companions about splitting up and differing, and He ordered everyone to hold fast and adhere to all the means and reasons for unification, and to remember Allah’s favor upon them. Allah said:

“And hold fast, all of you together, to the Rope of Allah (Qur’an, Sunnah) and do not be divided amongst yourselves and remember Allah’s favor upon you. For you were once enemies against each other but Allah joined your hearts together, so by His Grace you became brothers in Islamic Faith. And you were on the brink of a pit of Fire and Allah saved you from it. Thus Allah makes His verses, proofs, revelation clear to you, that you may be guided.” (Surah Al Imran 3:103)

Preservation, safety and security of the creed became widespread as well as everlasting security for the countries and cities which governed with the pure, immaculate Islamic Creed and Islamic Legislations. And finally the time which the Prophet gave his promise and gave glad tidings about had become a reality.

Imam Bukhari narrated on the authority of Adee ibn Hatim who said:

‘While I was with the Prophet Muhammad a man came to him complaining about poverty, then another man came to him complaining about highway robbery, so the Prophet said: “O Adee have you seen al Heerah?”[2] Adee replied: “I have not seen it, but I have heard of it.’ Then the Prophet said: “If you are alive for verily you will see a woman in a covered saddle on a camel traveling from al Heerah until she goes around the Ka’bah and does not fear anyone except Allah alone.” Then I (Adee) said to myself: where is the lewd/immoral tribe of Ta’y who have caused confusion throughout the land? - Then the Prophet said: “If you are still alive than verily you will conquer and open the treasures of Kisra, I replied: “Kisra ibn Hurmuz?” The Prophet then said: Kisra ibn Hurmuz, if it so happens that you are still alive you will verily see that a man’s hand will be filled with gold and silver and ask people to accept it from him, and he won’t find anyone who will accept it from him. And verily you will meet Allah the day in which there is no intercessor between himself and Allah, no one to speak for him. Then Allah will say: “Didn’t I send to you all a Messenger who conveyed My message to you?, He will reply: ‘Of course’. Then Allah will say to him: “Didn’t I give you wealth and bestow my favors, graces and kindness upon you”. He will reply: ‘Of course’, and he will look to his right and not see anything except the hellfire, and then he will look to his left and not see anything except the hellfire.” Then Adee said: “I heard the Prophet Muhammad say: “Fear the hellfire even if it is with half of a date, and whoever does not find a half of a date than with a good word.” Then Adee said: ‘Verily I saw the woman on a camel with a covered saddle traveling from al Heerah until going around the Ka’bah and she didn’t fear anyone except Allah, and I was from amongst the ones who aided in the conquest of Kisra ibn Hurmuz,  perhaps if you are all alive you will all come to see what the Prophet (Abul Qaasim) said: “Take out his hands filled with gold and silver…”[3]

[1] Saheeh Muslim 4/2197, Book of Paradise and the description of its delights, chapter: characteristics which the people of world are known to be from the people of paradise or hellfire, #2865

[2] (TN) An Arabic Kingdom which was under the rule of the Farisee people.

[3] Saheeh Bukhari, with Fatul Baari 6/757-758, Book of Virtues, Chapter: Signs of Prophethood #3595

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