at a very later stage, reveals new secrets about Zamzam’s water and the
way it is influenced by the verses of the Glorious Quran. Read more on
the subject…….
the Almighty has mentioned the word “water” several dozens times in His
Great Divine Book; the Glorious Quran. What we are interested here is
the latest discovery of the Japanese scientist Masaru Emoto concerning
“water’s memory”, and that water stores inside its memory all the events
that take place around it! Masaru Emoto performed the first of its
kind, pioneering experiments on water. He experimented with few drops of
water which he put under various sound frequencies. He noticed that the
water particles arrangement differs upon changing the frequency!
Perhaps the final experiment Dr. Masaru Emoto did was on Zamzam’s water
which he subjected to a stiff and fastidious test. He found out that
this water is different than any other type of water on the globe.
Interestingly, he noticed that this water has a special interaction and
reaction with the Words of Allah, the Almighty; the Glorious Quran
recitation on it.
is a photo of Zamzam water gushing through the rocks. Zamzam water
still gush non-stop since thousands of years. This is rather an amazing
behavior. Where does Zamzam water come from, while in this barren land
of a desert? Does this phenomenon require our deep meditation and
we can comprehend now why it is preferable and encouraged to recite
[i.e. verses from the Glorious Quran] on water with the hope to cure the
patient! Water is the only element in the nature that is distinct in
nature than all other elements due to its physical and chemical
properties that makes it unanimously, the “Master” of all other elements
in the nature.
brought few drops of Zamzam’s water and recited the “Basmaleh” [In the
Name of Allah, the Beneficent, Most Merciful] in Arabic and noticed that
the arrangement of the water particles became prettier! In fact, these
drops of water formed unique shapes as if they were drawn by a
fantastically skilled artist.
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