Book Translator: MOHIUDDIN AHMAD

Number of Pages: 128


Year of Publication: 1971

Book Description: Hindus and Muslims are living together In this country for a thousand years. In every city, town and village they are not only next door neighbors, but they are also colleagues and partners in business and trades, schools and offices. They have also jointly participated in the movements launched for the liberation of the country ...

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The Musalman

Hindus and Muslims are living together In this country for a thousand years. In every city, town and village they are not only next door neighbors, but they are also colleagues and partners in business and trades, schools and offices. They have also jointly participated in the movements launched for the liberation of the country from the foreign rule, and are still co-workers in different political and social organizations; In the railway and buses they can be seen traveling together; but, it is an incomprehensible mystery that they are not even as much acquainted with each others religious beliefs, customs, tradition and culture as the people belonging to two different lands. What they do know about each other is more often than not a jumble of tittle-tattle and misconceived notions, hearsay and prejudices.
Naturally, such a distorted angle of vision, aided and abetted by the malice and prejudice of sectarian propaganda gimmick and distorted text-books of history is bound to produce a perverse and grotesque picture of the other community….

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