Scientists spent many years observing insects and monitoring sound frequencies that they produce  

Scientists spent many years observing insects and monitoring sound frequencies that they produce, but there was no possibility to confirm that except when they were able to record the sounds produced by ants! The aim of their observation was to trace the presence of ants in agricultural crops and they did not find a more efficient way to track than the sound of ants!

What surprised the scientists was that the sound frequencies produced by the ants vary from one ant to another, from one type to another, and from one position to another! There are 12 thousand kinds of ants in the world, and the number of ants on earth is more than the number of people many times. Scientists are baffled before such great varieties how deal with such sounds.

Scientists were able to record various ants’ sounds. The findings of such research were published in Journal of Sound and Vibration in 2006. This was the first time man was able to hear a real sound of ants.

The outcome of this research showed that the ant outdone us in the sense of hearing. Scientists expect that the ant’s antennae are used for transmitting and receiving sound frequencies. The ant amplifies the incoming sound signals working as a device of modern receiver. It filters any different effect in the process, to distinguish it from others sounds. This is a very sophisticated, developed and advanced communication system that was unknown to scientists. But, Allah, the Almighty informed us about such a communication system in the Glorious Quran. Allah stated in Glorious Quran Al-Naml [The Ants] 27:18, ‘At length, when they came to a (lowly) valley of ants, one of the ants said: "O ye ants, get into your habitations, lest Solomon and his solders crush you (under foot) without knowing it.’ A believer can’t help but say, ‘Glory be to Allah, the Almighty.’ 



By: Abduldaem Al-Kaheel


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