The prophet peace be upon him says: (day of resurrection will not come till money increases between you …
The unseen miracles 8
The prophet said”one of the signs for the
imminence of day of resurrection is that men will imitate women and
women will imitate men”{narrated by Abo-Naeem} now, this phenomenon is
spreading and we can find many countries that allow marriage between man
and man and also between woman and woman. That wasn’t known at the time
of the prophet, who told him this future phenomenon? Isn’t clear
evidence that Mohamed peace be upon him is a prophet from Allah Almighty?
The unseen miracles 9
The prophet says (adultery and drinking alcohol
are signs for the imminence of day of resurrection)[Narrated by
Al-Bukhari], if we walk around in the streets of many countries we can
find people are drinking alcohol and performing adultery and because of
that AIDS is around us in all over the world. Who told the prophet peace
be upon him about that?
The unseen miracles 10
(Appearance of pen…)[Narrated by Ahmed] is one of
the signs that day of resurrection is near according to the saying of
the prophet peace be upon him. Today, we can see the magnificent
development in writing by using computers in magazines, newspapers and
books as there are millions of printed papers in a daily basis. Who told
the prophet this piece of information at the time when only a few
number of people were perfectly writing in the entire city of Mekka.
This is clear evidence that Mohamed peace be upon him is a prophet from
Allah Almighty.
The unseen miracles11
The prophet said: (“me and day of resurrection are
sent like those”and he referred by his two fingers) [Narrated by
Al-Bukhari].the scientists say that the age of universe is 13.5 billion
years andthe age of man is indeed less than that because Allah Almighty
sent the prophet only 1400 years ago and if we divides 1400 by
13,500,000,000 theresultis0.0000001
Hence the prophetic likening is precise to demonstrate that day of resurrection is so near to us.
The unseen miracles 12
The prophet said about one of the signs for the
imminence of day of resurrection: (people will build high buildings…)
[narrated by Al-bukhari and Muslim], now we see many countries are
racing to build the tallest building like these skyscrapers, who told
the prophet peace be upon him this piece of future information1400 years
The unseen miracles13
The prophet said: (day of resurrection will not
come till trials appear, lying increases, markets becomes near to each
other and time converges) [narrated by Ahmed]
Today, it is easy to find all of these phenomena
as we find lot of trials, lying and the excessive use of information
technology which made markets so closed to each other. Who told our
prophet peace be upon himabout all of that?
The unseen miracles 14
The prophet peace be upon him said: (day of
resurrection will not come till science disappear)[narrated by Al-
Bukhari], today we can find some scholars who permit usury, accept kiss
between man and woman and allow smoking in the holy month of Ramadan.
Today, some TV stations let those kind of scholars to appear on air and
speaks to people, isn’t right that science disappears and illiteracy
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