When one talks about God, one is talking about the Source of the whole being, the Creator
of the entire universe, the One Who controls everything, determines
their existence and dominates their ultimate destination. God, according
to Islam, is completely different in concept from other doctrines’
conceptions as Islam views that He is the Absolute creator and Dominator
of everything other than Him. Therefore, He is the only True God while
other gods are false. This approach is so important to be recognized
because it averts from many differences that may generate major
difficulties in understanding Islam. In other words, Islam stresses that
this universe does not come into existence by chance or by itself but
rather there is one who created, dominated, and controlled it and will
continue to be so. This Creator is unlike people; He possesses limitless
Omnipotence, Power, Intelligence and all the perfect characters. The
least thing in the earth or sky testifies to His wisdom, power, and
Some people believe that the notion of
the existence of God is meaningless, untrue or futile as they may view
that universe is going on with natural laws that control its course and
it will continue to be so with no interference of anyone whosoever.
However, this belief is dubious because it goes against logic, sound
reason and scientific approach. The creation of the universe and its
birth into existence have been authenticated by science, reason and
revelation, which is the Islamic viewpoint.
Regarding the question “Is God a Delusion or Truth?”, Sheikh Hamza Andreas Tzortzis,
who is an international public speaker on Islam, tries to answer this
question in a very interesting, scientific and rich lecture. Moreover, Abdurraheem Green,
who is an active figure in the field of Daw`ah to Islam, talks about
the need of people for religion in their society and life as a whole and
manifests the relationship between Islam and social life and the
importance of Islam for communities.
Enjoy watching this video by Hamza
Tzortzis and Sheikh Abdurraheem who will be talking about the notions of
the existence of God as well as people’s need for Islam.
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