Story in this
time and not from the time of the companions, God bless them - this
story does not need us to your minds, but only to your hearts as well.
This story is the true story of the film "Mr. Ibrahim and Flowers of the
The story as recounted by DDT. Safwat Hegazi
.. a Turkish Muslim grocer claims with (Ibrahim) in _50 _ (Turkish does
not know a lot of Arab grocer and my mother does not carry out
certification and hold) had a grocery shop in a building inhabited by a
Jewish family in France.
Each morning, the family sent her son
(GAD) _7 years _ to buy groceries and go to the child grocery shopping
and do not forget to steal from Baku Hukalath shop with Ibrahim . And continue every day and the days go seriously to buy groceries and do not forget to steal Alhukalath Baku.
Until the day when serious bought groceries and forgot to steal the
palette Alhukalath and when they leave the shop called him uncle Ibrahim
Alhukalath holding a plank and he says "I forgot to steal the Baku
Alhukalath O Gad" ..
Serious panic and asked the uncle Abraham,
"you're every day you see me?" Answered with Abraham, "Yes, this is the
Baku today," Vuadh serious not steal Hukalath after that, but with
Ibrahim said, "promised not to steal ever because it can steal and think
it steals does not see you and he knows very well what to do .. but
because I love you Police will not Oslmk "0
Vuadh serious not
steal and never became every day to buy groceries and then take Baku
Hukalath and says Uncle Abraham "I took the Baku Hukalath" then walk
For this deal strengthened the relationship between Rahim Ibrahim, a Muslim with a serious and Jewish children.
The question here is how the disposal of the Muslim with the theft of
the child Jewish, and in our country, a famous incident of a Muslim
father new paint the walls of his house and when he returned to home
after work found a girl _ five years _ to write with a pencil on the
wall in the house there was nothing but taking a hit on his hands until
swollen hand of the child and his family wait for the hands that heal
but it increased swelling .. And blue in color .. I went to the doctor
who told them that the bleeding has occurred and must be amputated hands
.. and when he woke up the child from the anesthetic and could not find
his hands to take to say to his father, "I promise you, Daddy do not
write on the wall again, but give me back my hands," What was the father
but to go out revolver and committed suicide in front of a girl crying.
Go back to the original story and have noticed differences in the way of education and as a result of all of them.
Strengthened the relationship
Between uncle Ibrahim, serious until he became seriously tells Uncle
Ibrahim all the secrets of the house, and even all the personal problems
(imagine that) and it was with Abraham listened to seriously very
attentively, and then opens a drawer in his desk and get out a book
request from serious that holds it and then shut his eyes and opens the
book on any two pages and then gives them the uncle Ibrahim, who read in
silence and then closes the book and put it in the tray and begin a
serious discussion even reach a solution of the problem.
passed and the same scenario is repeated constantly .. And old uncle
Ibrahim _ sixty-seven year _ and grew serious _ and twenty four year _
and the relationship grew between them.
And died with Ibrahim ..
and in his will left a fund for his children ordered them to hand him
over to a serious Jewish neighbor. And went to the serious young handed
over to the Fund and to tell him with the death of Ibrahim .. And then
cried a serious and often forgets to take the box and wander on the face
in grief on the streets with Ibrahim .. and forgot everything about the
And months passed until he was serious for a very big problem ..
Taken seriously thinking of a solution and did not find .. remember
with Abraham said to himself, "uh, if you're here, my brother Ibrahim
Stzmni you and you will open the stairs and out the book and close my
eyes and open the book and read pages Takhaddh and sit down to think
about the solution" 0
And then remember Fund with Abraham and
brought it to open the book and found I close my eyes and opened the
book and then opened his eyes, if it lies on the Arabic language ..
rushed to the Tunisian friend and asked him to read two pages and then
give him the book he did Tunisian friend took a serious book and begun
to think in If the solution of his problem before his eyes.
Finally, he asked his friend, a serious Tunisian What is this book? And the answer to this is the book of Muslims .. the Koran.
And safest serious .. and his name became DDT. Gad Allah Quran.
(And had been interviewed by the DDT. Safwat Hegazi DDT. Jadallah and
heard his story, and asked him why he converted to Islam, he said DDT.
Jadallah "I learned that the solution to the problem was not with by
Ibrahim, but he was in the book, which reads with Ibrahim died .. with
Abraham and the Holy Quran .. I realized that he was right ").
And became the d. Jadallah's largest Islamic activist in Europe, where
the safest on his hands for more than six thousand Jews and Christians.
(And asked about the happiest times of his life, "said Dr.. Jadallah"
When a person recognizes the hands of "astronauts and DDT. Safwat," Of
course it is because Allah guide your man is better for you than this
world and what it "Vtkon answer Dr. Gad-Allah," God does not .. and But I
feel the time I had echoed with the beautiful part of Abraham ").
Dr. Jadallah "Under the uncle Ibrahim me seventeen years .. I did not
tell me .. what Islam did not tell me you are a Jew and a Muslim .. I
did not tell me you are an infidel .. I did not even tell me what the
book open."
(And for us to imagine what would have happened if
Abraham said with a serious child, "You are a Jew and so and so", but
with the patience of Ibrahim seventeen year until he died and did not
know it delivers serious or not .. I have and put with Ibrahim Seed
and was Ithmaar the hands of God Almighty .. and to publicly note how
many times and found a friend who does not pray or sister does not wear
the hijab, and after that we call upon them a month or two we are bored
and despair, and say no use, and even may accuse them of blasphemy and
heresy they retire, the worst than they were .. I have been with Ibrahim
calls for a serious of Islam seventeen years without telling him the
safest .. Did not hurry with Abraham and did not give up .. But he was
able to skillfully connects the Koran seriously .. To have the seed and
reap the fruit after his death .. was the slogan on a person to seek and
he does not realize success .. Each of the safest on the hands of Dr..
Jadallah Ibrahim taken with their reward).
Then traveled d.
Jadallah to Africa for the invitation to Islam .. And remained there for
ten years .. the safest on his hands more than six million people from
the tribes of Zulu _ Yes, you did not miss reading.
And you can imagine the reward with Ibrahim ..
Latif in the topic that Dr.. Serious some people have asked "Why did you leave France and went to Africa?"
And his answer was a smile, "Ibrahim wanted with it .." D did not
understand. Safwat Hegazi that d get out. Jadallah Quran with Abraham
and opened the first page where they settled on his skin Mus pencil
drawings of the continent of Africa and had written underneath .. "Call
to the way of thy Lord with wisdom and good counsel," and signature ...
"with Abraham" .
And d died. Dadullah died in 2003, including injury from the disease in Africa at the age of 55 years ago.
Dr. Safwat Hegazy, during a conference in London looking at the issue
of Darfur and how to support the needy Muslims from the risk of
Christianization, and the war, he met one of the elders of the tribe of
Zulu, who lives in the Darfur region and during the talk he asked Dr.
Hijazi: Do you know Dr. Jadallah Quran? . And then stop the chief of the
tribe and asked Dr. Hijazi: Do you know him? . He replied Dr. Hijazi:
Yes, I met him in Switzerland when he was under treatment there ..
Understanding the tribal elder at the hands warmly accepted by Dr.
Hijazi, Dr. Hijazi said to him: What to do? I did not do something to
deserve this!
Sheikh replied: "I do not accept your hand but I shook the hand of Dr. Gad Allah Quran!
Dr. Hijazi asked: Do you converted to Islam at the hands of Dr. Gad
Allah? . Sheikh replied: "No, but converted to Islam at the hands of a
man who became Muslim at the hands of Dr. Gad Allah Quran God's mercy!!
Hallelujah, how many people will accept Islam at the hands of God at the hands of serious Quran? !
And pay him the one who caused God in Islam, Uncle Ibrahim who died more than 30 years.
The question here .. Do you know of another one of the surest hands on the d. Jadallah?
His mother was d / Miriam .. yes .. he converted to Islam and die on
her arm in the hospital .. she had a 72 year time .. And when asked
about the reason for the delay She converted to Islam "0
Since you are safest in a serious war with an uncle, Ibrahim returned to
Judaism seriously .. All these years you're going mad when I ask myself
how ignorant dominated with Ibrahim Turkish grocer after he died on my
son and I'm Jewish French sociology professor at the university can not
control the serious and have spent with me did not spend time with an
uncle Ibrahim quarter. "
"But when I saw my son die, and I tell
him back to Judaism Vigibni I bear witness that there is no god but
Allah and I bear witness that Muhammad is the messenger of God .. and
his eyes met my looks Almtjbp caring .. I realized that the secret is
not in with Abraham, but the secret of this Book "and grabbed the Holy
Quran in her hand and smiled with 0.0
O merciful Lord with Abraham
Note from the writer of the previous lines:
This story did not occur in the time of the Messenger of Allah peace be
upon him and did not happen in an Islamic country and the hero is not
an Arab and Islamic world is not ..
Only is a Muslim .. Accompanied by the Koran in his life Venzareth God through the Koran indicating victory after his death ..
New intention in the invitation to God every day and remember that you are not less than with Abraham
Islam is one in every time and place ..
Koran and one also ..
Only we have to understand it well .. Let the dream is our weapon,
patience and wisdom and good advice .. Ntkhalq to our gracious manners
Let's take a seed and do not wait for the fruit ..
And let our motto .. Ali al-seek and he does not realize success.
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