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Human rights in Islamic civilization
Western philosopher Nietzsche says: «The
weak and failures should perish: first principle of our love of
humanity. And they should be helped to do this»[1]! But the philosophy
of Islam and its law have never deviated from the values and ethics,
which were represented in a set of rights that included all human beings
without distinction between colors, races or languages, and also
included the human behavior in dealing with each other. These values and
ethics were also represented in maintaining and applying these rights
with the authority of Islamic law and imposing sanctions upon offenders.
Islam’s view for humans
Islam treats man with honor and esteem
out of Allah›s saying: {We have honored the sons of Adam; provided them
with transport on land and sea; given them for sustenance things good
and pure; and conferred on them special favors, above a great part of
our creation.}[Al-Isra: 70]. This view gives special characteristics and
features for human rights in Islam. The most important feature is the
comprehensiveness of these rights.These rights include political,
economic, social and intellectual rights. They are also common for
Muslims and non-Muslims without distinction between colors, races or
languages. They are not subject to cancellation or change, as they are
linked to the teachings of the Lord of the worlds.
The Messenger of Allah (peace be upon
him) reported this in his farewell address, which was a comprehensive
report on human rights, as he said: «… No doubt, your blood and your
properties are sacred to one another like the sanctity of this day of
yours, in this month of yours, in this town of yours, till the day you
meet your Lord..[2]». This prophetic address asserted a set of rights,
the most important of which is the sanctity of blood, money, honor, and
The Prophet (peace be upon him) also
magnified the human psyche in general, preserving its greatest right,
namely the right to life. Asked about great sins, he (peace be upon him)
said: «Polytheism and killing a soul…[3]». The word soul was
generalized to include any soul killed without right.
The Prophet (peace be upon him) went
further as he ordered man to preserve his own life by prohibiting
suicide. He (peace be upon him) said: «Whoever purposely throws himself
from a mountain and kills himself, will be in the (Hell) Fire falling
down into it and abiding therein perpetually forever; and whoever drinks
poison and kills himself with it, he will be carrying his poison in his
hand and drinking it in the (Hell) Fire wherein he will abide eternally
forever; and whoever kills himself with an iron weapon, will be
carrying that weapon in his hand and stabbing his abdomen with it in the
(Hell) Fire wherein he will abide eternally forever.»[4]
Islam prohibits any action that
diminishes the right to life, whether through intimidation, insult, or
beating. Hisham ibn Hakim said he heard the Messenger of Allah (peace be
upon him saying: «Allah would torment those who torment people in the
Equality among people
After honoring man in general and
stipulating the sanctity of blood, honor and money, and the right to
life, the Prophet (peace be upon him) emphasized the right of equality
among all people; between individuals and groups, between races and
peoples, between rulers and the ruled, and between governors and the
governed. So, there are no restrictions or exceptions; no difference in
legislation between Arabs and non-Arabs, or between white and black, or
between rulers and the ruled. Rather, people are differentiated
according to piety. He (peace be upon him) said: «O people! Verily your
Lord is one and your father is one. All of you belong to one ancestry of
Adam, and Adam was created out of clay. Verily the noblest among you in
Allah›s view is he who is the most pious. There is no superiority for
an Arab over a non-Arab except in piety.»[6]Let›s look at how the
Prophet handled the principle of equality in order to realize his
greatness. Abu Umamah reported: Abu Dhar taunted Bilal about his mother
and said: You son of a black woman. Bilal went to the Messenger of Allah
(peace be upon him) and told him the story. The Prophet got angry. Abu
Dhar came and did not know what happened. The Prophet turned his face
away from Abu Dhar. Abu Dhar said: There should be something that made
you turn your face away from me. The Prophet said: «Are you taunting
Bilal about his mother?»and then said: «By the One Who revealed the book
to Muhammad – or any other oath he wanted, God willing – one is not
preferred to another except by work. You are all equal.»[7]
Justice in Islam
Another right is linked to the right to
equality, namely the right to justice. One of the masterpieces in this
regard is the Prophet›s saying to Usama ibn Zayd when the latter wanted
to intercede for the Makhzumi woman who had committed theft: «By Allah,
if Fatima, daughter of Muhammad, were to steal, I would have her hand
cut off.»[8]
The Prophet (peace be upon him) also
banned the confiscation of one›s right to self-defense in order to
observe justice. He says: «… no doubt, for he (the creditor) has the
right to demand his debt (harshly)….»[9]. He says to those who take over
governance and judiciary: «…When two litigants sit in front of you, do
not decide till you hear what the other has to say as you heard what the
first had to say; for it is best that you should have a clear idea of
the best decision.»[10]
Right to sufficiency in Islam
The right to sufficiency is a unique
right stipulated in the Islamic law. It was not stipulated in any
positive system or a human rights charter before. The right to
sufficiency means that everyone shall live within the confines of the
Islamic state on the adequate needs of life, on condition that he shall
lead a decent life, having appropriate standards of living. This right
is different from the bare subsistence level stipulated in positive
systems, which means the minimum limit that maintains life.[11]
The right to sufficiency is achieved
through work. If one is unable to do this, Zakat (alms) can do it; and
if Zakat is unable to pay to the poor, the state budget shall pay. The
Prophet (peace be upon him) expressed this when he said: «…he who left
behind property that is for his family, and he who dies under debt or
leaves children (in helplessness), the responsibility (of paying his
debt and bringing up his children) lies on me.»[1212]He asserted this
right when he said: «The one who sleeps with a full stomach knowing that
his neighbor is hungry doesn’t believe in me.»[13]Lauding Ash›arites,
he (peace be upon him) said: «When the Ash›arites run short of
provisions in the campaigns or run short of food for their children in
Medina they collect whatever is with them in the cloth and then partake
equally from one vessel. They are from me and I am from them.»[14]
Human rights in Islamic civilization
Islam›s view for humans
Equality among people
Justice in Islam
Right to sufficiency in Islam
Rights of civilians and prisoners of war
Women›s rights in Islamic civilization
Status of woman in Islam
Status of woman in Jahiliyah
Women’s rights in Islam
Rights of slaves and workers in Islamic civilization
Examples of rights of slaves and workers in Islam
Rights of patients and people with special needs
The Prophet›s treatment of patients
Rights of minorities in Islamic civilization
Minorities› right to freedom of belief
Warning against doing non-Muslims injustice
Protection of non-Muslims› funds
Animal rights in Islamic civilization
Some animal rights in Islamic legislation
Environment rights in Islamic civilization
Man and environment
Importance of ethics and values in Islamic civilization
Ancient civilizations and ethics
Freedom of belief in Islam
Issue of faith, will of man
Religious pluralism in Islam
Freedom of thinking in Islamic civilization
Islamic civilization’s care for freedom of thinking
Islam urges use of mental faculties, proofs
Value of thinking in Islam
Freedom of opinion in Islamic civilization
Freedom of opinion is one of Muslim’s rights
Giving advice, amr-bil-Ma’roof and nahi anil munkar
Honesty, truthfulness in giving opinion
Freedom, manumission of slaves in Islam
Islam’s plan to solve slavery problem
Freedom of ownership in Islam
Freedom of ownership between Communism and Capitalism
Islam, freedom of ownership
Private ownership in Islam
Collective ownership in Islam
Manifestations of private ownership
Manifestations of collective ownership
Illegitimate ownership
Ownershipfor non-Muslims
Husband, wife in Islam… Rights and duties
Pillars of family in Islamic civilization
Monasticism in modern age
Purposes of marriage
Selection of marriage partner in Islam
Marriage contract in Islamic legislation
Children in Islam…Rights and Duties
Children and Impact of the Environment on Raising Them
Children›s Pre-Birth Rights
Child›s Right to Life
Children›s Post-Birth Rights
Custody and Spending
Good Education
Parents› Rights in Islam
Parents› Rights on Children
Abu Hatim Ibn Hibban[]says
Maintaining the Bonds of Kinship in Islam…Its Importance and Rights
Silatur Rahim in Islam
Fraternization in the Muslim Community …its Importance and Status
Fraternization in Islam
Status of Fraternization in the Muslim Community
Fraternization Rights and Duties
Solidarity in the Muslim Community
Comprehensiveness of Solidarity in Islam
Generality of Solidarity in Islam
Importance of Zakat in Islam
Hadiths in the Merit of Solidarity
Justice in Islam…Its Importance and Reality
The Value of Justice in Islam
Situations on Justice in Islam
Reality of Justice in Islam
Banning of Injustice in Islam
Mercy in Islam…Its Significance and Examples on Mercy
Importance of Mercy in Islamic legislation
Allah›s Apostle›s Mission as a Mercy for all the Creation
Relationship between Muslims and non-Muslims
Islam is the religion of peace
Treaties between Muslims and non-Muslims
Definition of Treaties and Agreements
The Prophet’s Treaty with Christians of Najran
The Prophet’s Treaty with Bani Damurah
The Covenant of Umar
Securing Messengers in Islam
War in Islam… Causes and Objectives
The Truth of Fighting in Islam
Ethics of Wars in Islam
Islam’ Uniqueness in the Ethics of Wars
Such ethical controls include the following
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