Islam’s Revival of Jesus’ Teachings

Majed S. Al-Rassi
Language: English | Format: PDF | Pages: 83 | Size: 1 MB
Every individual is born into a religious environment that is not in accordance with his/her choice; a child is raised to follow the religion or ideology of his/her family, society or culture. Even as a new-born, he/she is assigned either the religion of his/her family or the ideology of the state; in some countries, the child’s assigned religion is even recorded on his/her birth certificate. By the time individuals reach their teens, they have usually accepted the beliefs of their parents or their particular society, feeling that they have little choice in the matter.
However, individuals often encounter, or are exposed, to various beliefs and ideologies throughout the course of their lives, leading many to question long-held beliefs, traditions or philosophical ideas. They begin to question the validity of their own beliefs. Seekers of truth often reach a point of confusion, especially upon realising that the believers of every religion, sect, ideology and philosophy claim to profess the one and only truth.
A main point of confusion in the minds of the majority of Christians is the relation between the two main two religions: Christianity and Islam.
The bulk of Christians perceive Prophet Muhammad (salla Allâhu ‘alayhi wa sallam – blessings and peace be upon him) and the teachings he brought to be in great conflict with the teachings brought by Jesus (‘alayhi as-salâm – peace be upon him).
This book and its twin Muhammad in the Bible prove to the fair reader that Jesus indicated the advent of Prophet Muhammad, and that the latter revived the teachings brought by the former.
Before we delve into the book, it should be noted that when beginning one’s search the true religion, one should keep the following four things in mind:
Firstly, Allah (subhânahu wa Ta‘âlâ – Glorified and Exalted is He) has given us the ability and the intellect to discover the answer to this crucial question, which is also a lifechanging decision: What is the True Religion?
Secondly, Allah, the Most Compassionate, has not left us to go astray without any guidance. Indeed, He sent us prophets with scriptures to show us the right path.
Thirdly, always remember the underlying reason for this search: the ever-lasting life to come depends upon finding the true religion in this life. This should be your ultimate motivation, and a driving force to keep you searching until you are completely satisfied.
Fourthly, one can only determine the true path and make a rational and correct decision if one willingly puts aside, all the emotions and prejudices, which often blind one to reality.
I would like to thank those respected scholars who gave me the chance to learn and quote extensively from their books, especially Dr. Jamal Badawi, Dr. Bilal Philips, and Brother Muhammad bin Abdullah Caraballo. My small contribution is mainly a compilation of passages from their wonderful works.
With this short preface, I leave you to peruse book.

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