Abudllah Nasih Ulwan
Language: English | Format: PDF | Pages: 212 | Size: 13 MB
This book takes a detailed look at the life of one of the great figures
in islamic history. A commanding leader in jihad and of men. Salah
ad-Din was one of those who guided people to the right path. One may ask
why the author preferred Salah ad-Din’s biography over other figures.
The answer is that Salah ad-Din’s life is connected with the manifest
victory and liberation of Jerusalem from Crusaders. Readers will find in
book chapters how such victory was achieved by a Kurdish man, not an
Arab; how he unified the Muslim ummah under his guiding leadership; how
he convinced the people to follow the Islamic Shariah; how he fought in
the name of Islam and to make Allah’s word supreme; and how he treated
the enemies with good manners and noble morals. Readers will also find
the noblest qualities by which he was distinguished and the most
important reforms he achieved. In brief, the reader will obtin a general
outline of the life of Salah ad-Din.
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