Yusuf Estes
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The following is based on books, manuscripts, texts and actual
eyewitness accounts, too numerous to mention herein, preserved in
original form throughout the centuries by both Muslims and non-Muslims.
Many people today are discussing Prophet Muhammad (PBUH), Who was he
(PBUH) exactly? What did he (PBUH) teach? Why was he (PBUH) loved so
much by some and hated so much by others? Did he (PBUH) live up to his
claims? Was he (PBUH) a holy man? Was he (PBUH) a prophet of God? What
is the truth about this man (PBUH) ?
First before listing the A-Z Facts about Muhammad (PBUH), let us begin with the very simple historical evidences.
Here are the facts as narrated by thousands of people, many of whom knew him personally.
Muhammad (PBUH) ibn Abdullah ibn Abdul
Mutalib (Muhammad, the son of Abdullah, the son of Abdul Mutalib) was
born 570 C.E. (Christian Era); died 633 C.E. Muhammad means “praised
one” or “praising one”
Muhammad (PBUH) was born from the lineage
of Abraham’s (Ibrahim in Arabic) peace be upon him, his oldest son was
Ishmael (Ismail in Arabic), to the noble tribe of the Quraish who were
the leaders of Makkah in those days.
He (PBUH) never fell into the common practice of his tribesmen to worship statues, idols or man-made “gods.”
He (PBUH) believed that
God ( Allah in Arabic) was truly One God, and as such, and that God was
to be worshipped alone, without any other “gods” beside Him.
He (PBUH) held the Name
of God ( Allah ) in the highest of reverence and never took God’s Name
in vain or for any vainglorious purpose.
He (PBUH) despised false worship and all of the complexities and degradation to which it leads.
He (PBUH) insisted on keeping the Commandments of Almighty God, just as prophets of old had done in the past.
He (PBUH) never committed adultery, and he forbid others from doing it.
He (PBUH) forbade usury and interest on money lending, as Jesus, peace be upon him, had done centuries before him.
He (PBUH) never gambled and did not allow it.
He (PBUH) never drank alcohol or strong drink, even though it was a very normal thing for people of his time and place.
He (PBUH) did not engage in gossip and used to turn away from hearing anything related to it.
He (PBUH) offered
prayers in the manner and direction (toward Jerusalem, until Allah
ordered the change toward Makkah) as was prescribed of prophets in the
Bible, standing, bowing, kneeling and prostrating as they had done
before him.
He (PBUH) fasted for days at a time to be closer to Almighty God and away from the narrowness of worldly attractions.
He (PBUH) taught that
Jesus, peace be upon him, was the immaculate conception and miracle
birth of Mary (peace be upon her), and that she (peace be upon her) was
the best creation of Almighty God.
He (PBUH) insisted even
to the Jews of Al-Madinah, that Jesus, peace be upon him, was the
Messiah, the Christ, the one predicted to come in their Torah (Old
He (PBUH) said Jesus,
peace be upon him, did many miracles by the permission of Almighty God,
curing the lepers, restoring sight to the blind and even bringing a dead
man back to life.
He (PBUH) stated clearly that Jesus, peace be upon him, was not crucified, rather Almighty God had raised him up.
He (PBUH) predicted
Jesus, peace be upon him, is going to return again in the Last Days to
lead the true believers in a victory over the evil and unrighteous
people, and he will destroy the Anti-Christ.
He (PBUH) commanded the payment of charity to the poor and he was the defender and protector of widows, orphans and the wayfarers.
He (PBUH) ordered people
to unite with their families and honor the ties of kinship and he
restored relationships between family members.
He (PBUH) required his
followers to engage only in lawful marriage relationships with women,
and forbid sex outside of Almighty God’s Ordinance.
He (PBUH) insisted on giving women their proper rights, dowries, inheritance and property.
His (PBUH) patience and humble attitude were exemplary and all who knew him had to admit to these virtues.
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