this article we will demonstrate how Allah almighty had stored
information about the beginning of creation in everything around us ….
Nowadays, scientists are talking about the preserved books in earth, but what does these books look like?
twenty four thousand years ago ,ice was covering earth in what is
called "the ice age" when ice covered all earth up to thousands of
meters of height , and today scientists started to tell us precisely
about that era: temperature, weather, structure of the atmosphere ,etc…
but how did they get these information?
scientists are searching in the dust layers about secrets of creation,
they noticed that each layer record a specific time of earth's age, here
we remember God's saying: (Say: "Travel in the land and see how (Allah) originated the creation) (Sûrat Al-‘Ankabût- verse20)!!This is a clear sign that people will find secrets of origination of life inside the earth.
researcher started to cut a piece of ice in the Alps, then he
discovered that it is 24000 years old and after analyzing and testing
that piece he discovered some fine lines as each line is describing the
status of the weather in one year. The air between its atoms was
preserved despite the long time, so that they called this operation "the
preserved record".
The scientists have found that on each layer in the ice there is a record which stores the history over the years.
section of an ice plate in the depth of 1800 meter, we can see the
lines as each line represents specific age of that ice, look how Allah
almighty had stored the history in these plates and He ordered us to
travel around earth to discover the origination of life.
same operation had been repeated by astronomers in the space as they
started to pick up some small meteors which fall on earth and after
analysis they discovered that it contains a full recode about its
history, so that they discovered the status of universe 4000 million
years ago!
They did that through analyzing the meteor (its atoms and the remaining amount of radiation in it).
fallen meteor which penetrated the atmosphere. After studying it by
scientists they discovered that it contains some secrets about the
emergence of the universe, these meteors are loaded with organic
particles which are the basis of life.
operation was repeated by the geologists, as they discovered the age of
earth by analyzing the rocks, also one of those geologists was
descended in a coal mine as he found flowing water. After analyzing this
water he discovered that the age of this water is up to millions of
years. Inside the water there were living organisms which lives in the
water and they are growing despite the absence of light and air. He
discovered the status of the weather at that time.
section of a tree trunk which illustrate many rings and after studying
each ring the scientists discovered that it stores information about
specific time. Glory to Allah who stored these secrets inside those
same was repeated while studying age of man on earth as they discovered
a preserved record inside each cell in human cells. When they found a Human skull which
is one hundred thousand years ago , after analyzing its atoms they
discovered that every thing was stored in these bones :the human
structure, his specification , average of his age and what kind of food
and drink he was eating and drinking.
all of the above we conclude that everything is stored in records which
are the atoms. All of these discoveries were found in the twenty
century. Allah almighty told us in His book about all of that in a verse
when the atheists and skeptics were wondering about the fact of
resurrecting people after their death and after they had been
transferred to dust. God be he blessed and exalted had replied: (We know that which the earth takes of them (their dead bodies), and with us is a Book preserved (i.e. the Book of Decrees).)(Sûrat Qâf- verse 4).
Hence, we the human knows about all of these past events, what about the knowledge of Allah?
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