have a vital role in forming clouds and descending rains, this reality
was discovered only few years ago , but the Qur'an told us fourteen
century ago about that fact, let us read ….
have made many experiments about the mechanism of forming clouds and
descending of rains. After many theories they proved that winds have an
important role in forming the clouds as it carries water vapor from seas
and oceans to the air's upper layers, but the water atoms have to be
collected and condensed to form clouds.
the winds start to fertilize the clouds, how does it occur? Winds carry
dust atoms and fine salt and these atoms ascend to the upper layers (up
to many kilometers) where temperature is very low to form drops which
make heavy clouds weighing thousands of tons!!
discovered that clouds in the sky have a huge weight which is up to
millions of tons. In spite of that weight clouds still there. Indeed,
Allah almighty is the doer of that as He subjected all physical rules
like density rule and gravity rule as without these rules clouds might
be gone and life on earth will stop.
Thanks God for all of your graces.
almighty had subjected all physical rules to control movement of water,
its dissolving and evaporation, the disturbance of any rule may cause
the water to goes inside the ground and life to end. Glory to Allah who
says: (And
we sent down from the sky water (rain) in (due) measure and we gave it
lodging in the earth, and verily, we are Able to take it away.)(Sûrat Al-Mu’minûn- verse18).
The Qur'an tells us about the role of winds in fertilizing the clouds, God says: (And
We send the winds fertilizing (to fill heavily the clouds with water),
then cause the water (rain) to descend from the sky, and We give it to
you to drink, and it is not you who are the owners of its stores [i.e.
to give water to whom you like or to withhold it from whom you like].)(Sûrat A-Hijr- verse22).In this verse we can find many scientific miracles:
1.The word (send)
is a precise word from the scientific point of view because sending
operation should be organized and that what the scientists had found in
the maps of winds distribution which were taken by satellite.
2.Winds fertilize the clouds which cause rains to descend from the sky.
3.The descended water is pure and drinkable.
4.The descended water is stored in great banks underground for millions of years.
All of these fact were summarized in only one verse, the question is: are these precise and eloquent facts a human made?
have to admit that any disturbance in only one cause of rains will
leads to scarcity of sweet water and increase in salt water, then life
will be contaminated.
years ago no one had got the knowledge about forming rains or knew
anything about role of the winds in forming rains, but the new science
confirmed all of that.
Hence, mentioning these facts in the Qur'an is a testimony that this book is sincere and that Islam is the religion of truth.
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