In this part, we will see how Prophet Muhammad
(peace be upon him) agreed to adjourn his minor pilgrimage and return
to Medina in order to avoid fighting against Quraysh and any likely
bloodshed despite his Companions’ pressures and the black history of
Quraysh with him as well as their persistent injustice towards him as
well as Muslims.
Al-Hudaybiyah Peace Agreement
Quraysh (the people of Mecca) assembled
forces to fight Prophet Muhammad and Muslims in order to keep them away
from the holy sanctuary when they came to know that Prophet Muhammad and
Muslims were going to make a minor pilgrimage.
The polytheists of Mecca had killed and
persecuted Muslims in Mecca. Each Muslim had been either killed,
seriously harmed, expelled or dispossessed of his property. Those
polytheists had also disbelieved, abused and tried to assassinate
Prophet Muhammad in Mecca. Therefore, he had to migrate to Medina along
with his Companions.
To avoid fighting against Quraysh,
Prophet Muhammad took a rugged way through Thanyat Al-Murar. When he
approached Al-Hudaybiyah, his she-camel, called “Al-Qaswa’”, knelt down.
The Companions then wondered: “Did Al-Qaswa’ balk?” In reply, Prophet
Muhammad said: “Al-Qaswa’ did not balk. This is not one of its manners.
But, it was locked up by what locked the elephant up.” Then, he said:
“By the One in Whose Hand my soul rests, should they ask me for a plan
where they glorify the sacred rites of God,
I will surely give it up to them.” Then, he scolded it. And so it
jumped. Thereupon, he turned away from Mecca and kept walking until he
stopped at Al-Hudaybiyah.
Prophet Muhammad sent `Uthman ibn `Affan
to tell Quraysh that Prophet Muhammad and Muslims did not come for
fighting but for making a minor pilgrimage given that Muslims were
wearing the pilgrimage garments.
However, Quraysh confined `Uthman at
Mecca. Then, Prophet Muhammad feared for him and decided to fight
Quraysh to release him. Then, Quraysh dispatched `Urwah ibn Mas`ud Al-Thaqafi to negotiate a peace agreement with Prophet Muhammad.
Prophet Muhammad let `Urwah know that he
and Muslims only wanted to make a minor pilgrimage. In principle, he
agreed to conclude a peace agreement with Quraysh to avoid fighting.
Then, Quraysh dispatched Suhayl ibn `Amr
to conclude this agreement with Prophet Muhammad. Upon seeing Suhayl,
Prophet Muhammad rejoiced: “Indeed, your matter has been facilitated for
you. The people (Quraysh) wanted peace when they sent this man.”
Prophet Muhammad agreed to adjourn his minor pilgrimage and return to Medina in order to avoid fighting and bloodshed
Though the peace agreement terms proposed by Quraysh were unfair,
wrongful, unjust, prejudiced and biased against Muslims, Prophet
Muhammad agreed to them to avoid fighting against Quraysh.
It is reported that when the two parties
reached an agreement, Prophet Muhammad called `Ali ibn Abi Talib and
dictated: “Write down: In the Name of God, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.”
Then, Suhayl objected: “As for the Merciful, I do not know who he is.
But, instead, write down: ‘In your name, O Lord,’ as you used to do.’”
Muslims then objected: “By God, we will write only ‘In the name of God,
Most Gracious, Most Merciful.’” Then, Prophet Muhammad instructed:
“Write down: in your name, O Lord.” Then, Prophet Muhammad dictated:
“Write down: this is what Muhammad, the Messenger of God, agreed to.”
Once again, Suhayl objected: “By God, if we know that you are the
Messenger of God, we will not keep you away from the holy sanctuary.
Instead, write down: ‘Muhammad ibn `Abdullah.’” Then, Prophet Muhammad
replied: “I am the Messenger of God even though you disbelieve in me.
Write down: ‘Muhammad ibn `Abdullah.’”
The agreement included the following terms:
• Those who want to enter into a
covenant with Quraysh shall be allowed to do. Those who are not from
Quraysh and want to enter into a covenant with Muhammad shall be allowed
to do.
• War shall be prevented for a period of 10 (ten) years.
• Muslims shall return (to Medina) this year, provided that they shall enter Mecca for making a minor pilgrimage the next year.
• The two parties shall not assault any tribe or each other, whatever the reasons may be.
• Muslims shall repatriate the Qurayshi persons who come to them as
Muslims without their guardians’ permission. However, Quraysh shall not
return the Muslims who return to it.
When Prophet Muhammad finished writing
down the agreement, he said to his Companions: “Get up and slaughter
sacrifices and then shave off your hair.” However, no one of them got up
though Prophet Muhammad repeated the above statement thrice.
When nobody of them got up, he himself
got up without speaking to anyone of them. He slaughtered a camel and
summoned his barber. When Muslims saw that, they got up and slaughtered
sacrifices. They shaved the hair of one another. However, they were
about to kill one another out of grief.
It is noteworthy that Prophet Muhammad
was keen on avoiding bloodshed in spite of such mishaps which threatened
Al-Hudaybiyah Peace Agreement. While the two parties were concluding
the agreement, a new Muslim, called Abu Jandal ibn Suhayl ibn `Amr, came
dragging his fetters along. He came out of Mecca and threw himself away
among Muslims.
Suhayl said: “O Muhammad, this man is
the first one that I ask you to return to me.” Prophet Muhammad then
said: “We have yet to conclude the agreement.” Suhayl replied: “By God, I
will never conclude a peace agreement with you.”
Though Prophet Muhammad insisted on
exempting Abu Jandal from the agreement terms, he had to agree to hand
him over to Suhayl to conclude the agreement successfully and avoid
Thereupon, Abu Jandal called out: “O
Muslim community, will you return me to the polytheistic people so that
they will tempt me out of my religion?” Then, Prophet Muhammad consoled:
“O Aba Jandal, keep patient and wait for the reward. Surely, God will
bring relief and find a way out for you and the weak people with you.”
Ultimately, Abu Jandal was handed over to Quraysh.
After the conclusion of the peace
agreement, eighty Meccan polytheists tried to attack and take the Muslim
camp aback, but Muslims managed to capture them. Prophet Muhammad
forgave them. Again, other thirty polytheists from Quraysh made another
attempt to attack Muslims, but they were also captured and then also
released by Prophet Muhammad. Once again, seventy polytheists tried to
provoke Muslims into fighting, but Muslims captured them and for the
third time Prophet Muhammad forgave them though some of them abused him.
Then, the following verse was revealed:
it is He who withheld their hands from you and your hands from them
within [the area of] Makkah after He caused you to overcome them. (Al-Fath 48:24)
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