According to a recent American study, the number of people suffering from depression …
According to a recent
American study, the number of people suffering from depression of its
varying degrees in the USA is more than 27 million Americans. The first
medical tip of psychologists is to exercise self restraint, tolerance,
and lots of patience. We glorify Allah who says:
Say: "O ye
My servants who believe!
Fear your Lord.
Good is (the reward)
For those who do good
In this world.
Spacious is God's earth!
Those who patiently persevere
Will truly receive
A reward without measure!"Zumar or the Crowds: 10
Therefore, whenever you
feel distressed or angry or lack tolerance for others, remember this
verse for it helps you be patient and tolerant especially when you
realise that you’ll go to paradise without measure or without being held
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