Wasim Fathullah
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The issue of alliance and disavowal (wala’ and bara’) is probably the most important one of our times when it comes to faith, considering all of its branches, rulings, and implications. And since the Qur’an and authentic Sunnah are our helpers and sources of guidance, it is incumbent upon us to return to them in order to understand such a great concept. I reflected over this great chapter, and I found that it contained the meaning, methodology, and style that fulfill the need of every Muslim today in fully understanding this mighty principle of faith. So, depending on Allah, and I decided to reflect over and analyze some of its verses to try and extract the major and minor details regarding the issue of wala’ and bara’ therein, especially since it is from the Qur’an that was revealed in Madinah, which is mainly concerned with application of the concepts of the Qur’an revealed in Makkah. The hardest thing I came across in the course of this short journey was moving from one verse to the next, since each verse in this chapter takes the one who reads them – let alone reflects on them – and imprisons him such that he cannot break free. This begins with the divine call at its start, on to the story of the father of the Prophets (may peace be upon him and our Prophet), stopping at its amazing, miraculous, and nurturing methodology of clarifying the most important aspects of social and global interaction, and then returning to the task of structuring the Islamic society in a unique style that has never been witnessed in history.’

Table of Contents

Introduction – 4
An Introduction to ‘al-Mumtahanah’ – 6
A General Understanding of the Chapter – 6
The Historical Context of the Chapter – 7
The Reasons of Revelation Associated With the Chapter – 8
The First Verse – 9
The Eighth Verse – 10
The Tenth Verse – 11
The Eleventh Verse – 13
The Twelfth Verse – 14
The Common Theme of the Chapter – 15
The Issues of Wala’ and Bara’ in ‘al-Mumtahanah’ – 18
The Complete Disavowal from the Disbelievers – 18
Open Disavowal from the Disbelievers is a Necessity of Tawhid – 22
The Obligation of Announcing the Heart’s Disavowal from Kufr – 23
The Obligation of Having Enmity and Hatred for the Kuffar – 24
Conditioning the Soul to be Patient upon Harm for the Sake of Allah – 26
The Purpose of Having Wala’ and Bara’ – 28
Apportioning One’s Wala’ and Bara’ – 29
The Reason for the Enmity between the Muslims and the Disbelievers – 31
Guidelines in Dealing with the Disbelievers – 33
The Peaceful Disbelievers – 34
The Hostile Disbelievers – 35
Distinguishing the Individuals in the Muslim Society – 37
Examining and Testing – 37
Bay’ah – 39
A Great Principle Regarding Dissociation from the Kuffar – 41
The Chapter’s Methods of Teaching Wala’ and Bara’ – 43
Incitement – 43
Coupling Opposite Concepts – 44
The Explanation of the Sunnah – 46
Placement of the Names of Allah at the Ends of the Verses – 48
Conclusion – 50

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