Muhammad bin Ahmad as-Salim
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My noble brothers: the times in which we live are times of tribulation and estrangement for Islām that history has not witnessed before, where strangeness has become the norm and tribulation has become widespread, and where the entire Earth has become a stage for this conflict and for the expulsion of those who are firm upon their Dīn and hold onto it and defend it with their tongues and weapons… therefore, the entire world has announced its war on terrorism – or, rather, on Jihād – and its opposition to it and its various forms from being utilized by the Muslims.

So, Islām attacked from a single bow, and the nations of disbelief and their helpers from every corner of the Earth gathered against at-Tā’ifah al-Mansūrah1 that took upon its shoulders this war against disbelief and the disbelievers – a clear and intense war void of any rest or mercy – until the Command of Allāh arrives while they are upon that, and they will not be harmed by those who betray them from the treacherous or defeated Muslims or those who have drowned in the mud of this lowly worldly life. And they will not be harmed by those who oppose them from the groups of disbelief and the gangs of apostates and deniers, or from the misguided innovators. And there is no doubt that Jihād today is from the most virtuous of means of gaining nearness to Allāh. In fact, it is an obligation that Allāh has obligated upon us, and there is nothing more obligatory upon the Muslims after having belief in Allāh than Jihād and repelling the invader who has occupied the lands of the Muslims.

Jihād today is the Ummah’s only choice, as the enemy today has occupied the lands of the Muslims – one by one – as Allāh the Exalted said: “…And they will never cease fighting you until they cause you to turn back from your Dīn, if they are able to do so, the Muslims today are left with no choice but that of Jihād and the language of weaponry.

Tell me, by your Lord: an invading enemy who has occupied lands, violated honor, made orphans out of children and widows out of women, has begun to strike at Islām in every valley… after all of this, is there a doubt that the only way to come to an understanding with this enemy is through the language of force and revenge?


Introduction ……………. 5
1. Make Your Intention for Jihād ………….. 7
2. Truthfully Ask Allāh for Martyrdom……………. 9
3. Go for Jihād Yourself ……………………. 11
4. Make Jihād With Your Wealth………… 13
5. Help Prepare the Fighter Who Is Going For Jihād………… 14
6. Take Care of the Family Left Behind By the Fighter…………. 15
7. Provide for the Families of the Martyrs…………. 16
8. Providing for the Families of the Injured and Imprisoned………… 17
9. Collect Funds for the Mujâhidîn………… 18
10. Pay Zakâh to Them………….. 20
11. Cooperate In Treating the Wounded ………. 22
12. Praise the Mujâhidîn and Mention Their Accounts and Call the People to Follow In Their Footsteps …………… 22
13. Encourage the Mujâhidîn and Incite Them to Continue……… 23
14. Speak Out For the Mujâhidîn and Defend Them………. 24
15. Expose the Hypocrites and Traitors…….. 26
16. Call and Incite the People to Jihâd ………… 28
17. Advise the Muslims and the Mujâhidîn ………… 28
18. Hide the Secrets of the Mujâhidîn that the Enemy Can Benefit From …………. 29
19. Supplicate For Them………………….. 30
20. The Supplication of Distress (Qunût an-Nawâzil)………….. 31
21. Follow and Spread the News of the Jihâd……….. 33
22. Participate in Spreading Their Releases of Books and Publications…….. 34
23. Issue Fatâwâ That Aide Them…………. 35
24. Stay Connected With the Scholars and Preachers and Inform Them of the Situation of the Mujâhidîn……….. 36
25. Become Physically Fit…….. 37
26. Train With Weapons and Learn How To Shoot …….. 39
27. Learn to Swim and Ride Horses ………….. 40
28. Learn First-Aid …………………. 41
29. Learn the Fiqh of Jihâd……………… 41
30. Giving Shelter to the Mujâhidîn and Honoring Them……… 42
31. Have Enmity Towards the Disbelievers and Hate Them ………… 42
32. Expend Effort to Free Our Captives……………… 43
33. Spread the News About the Captives and Be Concerned With their Affairs . 44
34. Electronic Jihâd…………………….. 45
35. Stand in Oppostion to the Disbelievers ……….. 45
36. Raise Your Children to Love Jihâd and Its People……….. 46
37. Abandon Luxury…………….. 47
38. Boycott the Goods of the Enemy ……… 49
39. Do Not Hire Workers from the War Wagers (Harbiyyîn) ……….. 53
Conclusion …………………… 54
At-Tibyān Publications Releases…………… 61

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