The entire world at the time of the sending of the Prophet Muhammad was detached and isolated from Allah’s divine religion except for a few who were still upon what they found from the remnants of the previous religions.

A period of six hundred years in which the era of prophethood became ancient and the majority of the prophetic knowledge was forgotten and people became oblivious of it. The nation that was closest to the Messengers and Divine Books were the People of Israel (followers of Musa). Verily, Allah mentioned them numerous times in the Qur’an and clarified their misguidance, arrogance, stubbornness, filth, and their abandonment of Allah’s religion and their alteration of Allah’s holy books.

Similar to them are the Christians who went astray from the correct way, who altered and changed Allah’s divine revelation that was revealed to them. They changed and altered Allah’s religion based upon their own desires and left off the religion of Ibrahim and associated partners with Allah. Allah says:

“And they say: ‘Be Jews or Christians then you will be guided.’ Rather say to them O Muhammad: ‘Nay we follow the religion of Ibrahim (Islamic Monotheism) and he was not of the polytheists.” (Surah al Baqarah 2:135)

Then the Jews and the Christians were constantly hostile and inimical to each other and they used to say that the other is misguided and astray as Allah mentions:

“The Jews said that the Christians are not upon the right religion and the Christians say that the Jews are not upon the right religion. They both recite the Scripture and similar to what they say, is that which the pagans and ignorant people say. Allah will judge between them on the Day of Resurrection about that which they have been differing.” (Surah al Baqarah 2:113)

The Jews throughout their history have always been the most deceptive of Allah’s creation, as well as the most tyrannical enemies against the Prophets, while being the filthiest of those who set foot upon the face of the earth, all of this while disregarding and abandoning the teachings of Musa. As a result of this, Allah split them up into many sects leaving them to wander blindly throughout the earth. They never had a country, city, or land to go to nor a group or sect to gather them together. Allah mentioned in the Qur’an:

“And We said to the Children of Israel after Musa: ‘Dwell in the land, then when the final and last promise comes near We shall bring you altogether as a mixed crowd gathered out of various nations.” (Surah al Isra 17:104)

The Jews and Christians were continuously showing enmity towards each other based upon their strict adherence and devotion to their altered religions, while fighting and killing each other constantly. When these two sects abandoned their creed which they used to be devoted to and practiced as their religion, it became easy for them to be at harmony with each other and agree in their political affairs as we see today. The Jews are the ones who imposed their ideas and filthy manners upon the Christians with their deception and cunning.

In these days the Jews have taken advantage and exploited their religion for their political agendas so that they can gather and congregate the masses to establish an Israeli state, after the fact that they have been overwhelmed with humiliation and misery by their evil past. The reality of this is that the Jews have no religion.

As for the Arab and the illiterate people than verily Allah has mentioned them in the Qur’an clarifying their status as well as Allah’s blessings and favors upon them and upon all of creation, as Allah says:

“He (Allah) it is who sent among the illiterate people a Messenger (Muhammad) from amongst themselves, reciting to them Allah’s verses, purifying them from falsehood (polytheism and disbelief) and teaching them the Qur’an and Sunnah. And verily in the past they had been in manifest error.” (Surah al Jumu’ah 62:2) Allah also says:

“Indeed Allah bestowed a great favor upon the believers when He sent amongst them a Messenger from amongst themselves, reciting to them His verses and purifying them from their sins by their following of him and instructing them with the Qur’an and the Sunnah. While previously they had been in manifest error.” (Surah Ali Imran 3:164)

Allah sent Muhammad after a pause in the sending of Messengers, after the corruption of the paths, and after the changing of the religions, after the widespread worship of idols, fire and crosses. The blessing of the sending of the Prophet Muhammad was the most complete and the need for him was the most universal and beneficial at that time. Verily, corruption was prevalent throughout all the land. Tyranny, oppression and ignorance were most apparent  amongst the worshippers except for a few who were adhering to the remnants of the earlier Prophet’s religions which was found amongst some of the Jewish rabbis and the Christian worshippers and the Saa’bi’een’[1]

Verily this condition of misguidance throughout the world was mentioned by one of the scholars of history he said: ‘We must remember that the era in which the Prophet Muhammad was sent with his ‘da’wa’, was a time in which the entire world was corrupted and drowned in the darkness of ignorance. Savageness and barbarity was prevalent throughout the entire world. Perhaps there may have been witness of some talk of humanity, civilization and manners contained in some pages of books, except for the fact that these words had no effect upon the hearts of the people.’

A) The People of Israel before the Messiah (Jesus) deserved to be called ‘serpents and sons of serpents’ and with the curse of the Messiah upon them there remained no trace of humanity for them.

B) Europe was witnessing the times of ignorance and savageness, and in Britian the worship of idols became widespread. Furthermore, some places within France and the surrounding countries- superstitions, fables and myths were most common, and many of the priests were calling the people to do obscene, vulgar and despicable acts.

C) The al Mazdkiyyah[2] had taken control over Iran and called the people to communism and the sharing of women, money and land.

D) In India there were idols and sculptures of naked women and men placed inside the temples for the people to worship. The doors and walls of these temples were covered and adorned with pictures of abominable and atrocious acts.

E) As for the people of China, they deemed their country to be under the ownership of a divine son who descended from the heavens, and turned away from Allah and made idols and sculptures for every affair.



[1] (TN) The Saa’bi’eens were a past nation who used to live in Mowsil (Iraq) who used to believe that there was no deity worthy of worship except Allah, and they used to read the az Zabur (Psalms) and they were neither Jews nor Christians. Tafsir ibn Kathir 2/52

[2] (TN) An atheist group who were followers of Mazdak ibn Namidan who alleged that he was a prophet and eventually called the people to the legalization of all things. They believe that the origin of the creation are two main sources: light and darkness. (see ‘al Milal wa an Nihal’ by ash-Shirastaani) Al 'I'tibaa'a.

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