F) In Egypt the Christians had taken power and day after day there would arise new and invented beliefs and articles of faith. This is how the many different sects emerged, while each sect used to call the opposing sects apostates and infidels. To the point where they didn’t refrain from nor did they show any regard in killing and burning of their opponents.

This is a summary of the situations and conditions of the countries which were subjugated to their great governments and submissive to their laws and legislations. Every one of these nations used to boast and brag to the other nations about their level of knowledge and civilization.

This situation in the Land of Arabia was similar to these previously mentioned countries. With one exception: the Land of Arabia was not subjugated nor influenced by any type of law, king or ruler. Similarly, there never came anyone to guide them to the right path in addition to some of the uncivilized bestial customs which existed. For verily ignorance, seclusion and being isolated and remote from the civilized nations had indeed intensified the conditions and situations which led to declination, degeneration and regression of the people.

This extreme vile and wicked situation is that which made the Arabic people the most deserving of mercy, so Allah willed and destined that the Land of Arabia be made as the starting point and base for the propagation of that which would reform, rectify and guide the entire world and all of the creation.’[1]

So when Allah honored our Prophet Muhammad with the Prophetic mission and revealed to him Allah’s statement:

 “Read! In the name of your Lord who created all that exists. He has created man from a clot.” (Surah al Alaq 96:1-2)

Also Allah said:

“And warn your tribe and your kin O Muhammad.” (Surah ash Shu’ara 26:214)

The land of the Arabs was thirsty for the religion of truth which the majority of its features, marks and milestones were extinct, forgotten and non-existent.

Abdullah ibn Mas’ud said:

 “Verily Allah looked into the hearts of His servants, He found that Muhammad’s heart was the best of all His servants, so Allah selected Him, and sent him with His Prophetic mission. Then Allah looked into the hearts of the servants again and found that the Prophet’s companions had the best of hearts, so He made them ministers and helpers of the Prophet, they fight and exert their efforts in defense of their religion. So whatever the Muslims see as good (consensus of the companions) than Allah views it as being good, and whatever the Muslims see as bad than Allah views it as being bad.”[2]

So the Prophet started calling his tribe and relatives to Islam, as Bukhari narrated

On the authority of Abdullah ibn Abaas who said: ‘when Allah’s statement: ‘Warn your tribe and your kin O Muhammad’ (Surah ash’Shu’araa: 214) was revealed, the Prophet ascended upon the Mountain of Safa as began to shout: ‘O Children of ‘Fihr’, O Children of ‘Adee’-who were two tribes from Quraish-until they gathered around him. If some of the men were not able to attend they sent someone to go and see what was happening. So Abu Lahab and Quraish came and the Prophet said to them: “What would you think if I told you that there were some horsemen in the valley planning to raid you, would you all believe me?” They replied: Yes, we only know you to be truthful. The Prophet then said:

“Verily I am a warner sent to you, warning you of a severe torment.” Then Abu Lahab replied: ‘May you perish eternally! For this reason you have summoned us?! Then the Qur’anic verses were immediately revealed to the Prophet:

“Perish the two hands of Abu Lahab-His wealth and children will not benefit him anything!” (Surah al Mas’ad 111:1-2) [3]

Bukhari also narrated on the authority of Abu Hurairah who said:

 ‘The Prophet went out to call the people after the revealing of Allah’s statement: ‘And warn your tribe and your kin O Muhammad’ and he shouted:

“O people of Quraish” or something similar to this, and said: ‘Save yourselves, I cannot save you from Allah, O People of Abdu Manaf I cannot save you from Allah, O Abaas ibn Abdul Muttalib I cannot save you from Allah, O Safiyyah the aunt of the Prophet Muhammad, I cannot save you from Allah, O Fatimah the daughter of Muhammad, ask me for anything you desire from my wealth, for verily I cannot save you from Allah.” [4]

Then Allah ordered him to proclaim the revelation publicly, and call all of the people to Islam as Allah says:

“Therefore proclaim openly everything which you are commanded and shun/abandon the polytheists.” (Surah al Hijr 15:94)

Also as Allah says:

“Say O Muhammad: ‘O mankind, verily I have been sent to all of you as a Messenger from Allah-to whom belongs the dominion of the heavens and the earth. None has the right to be worshipped except Him. It is He who gives life and causes death. So believe in Allah and His Messenger Muhammad, the Prophet who can neither read nor write, and who believes in Allah and all His words (Qur’an), the Torah and Gospels and also Allah’s word: ‘Be’! and he was, (Isa/Jesus) the son of Maryam (Mary) and follow him so that you may be guided.” (Surah al A’raaf 7:158)



[1] see ‘Rahmatu lilAlaameen pgs.45-46

[2] Imam Ahmed narrated it in his ‘Musnad’ 1/379, #3600 he said: Abu Bakr said to us, from Aasim, from Zir ibn Hubaysh, from Abdullah ibn Mas’ud, and the chain is ‘Hasan’ (Good). Also at Tayalaasee narrated it in his Musnad pg. 23, see the introduction of ‘al Muwafaqaat’ by ash-Shaa’bee 3/4.

[3] Saheeh Bukhari 8/642, The book of Tafsir, #4770

[4] Saheeh Bukhari 8/643, The book of Tafsir, #4771

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