Book Translator: S. Mohiuddin Ahmad

Number of Pages: 306


Year of Publication: 1991

Book Description: In this book the author presents not only the life and outstanding characteristics of Hazrat Ali (RA) in immaculate detail but also gives a brief account of the lives of the other Caliphs, i.e. Hazrat Abu Bakr, Hazrat Umar Faruq, and Hazrat Uthman. Muslims are encouraged to read about the lives of the Sahaba (RA) ...

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The Life Of Caliph Ali

In this book the author presents not only the life and outstanding characteristics of Hazrat Ali (RA) in immaculate detail but also gives a brief account of the lives of the other Caliphs, i.e. Hazrat Abu Bakr, Hazrat Umar Faruq, and Hazrat Uthman.
Muslims are encouraged to read about the lives of the Sahaba (RA) and this book gives a particularly comprehensive insight of the life of Caliph Ali.

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