Book Translator: Qazi Abdul Hameed

Number of Pages: 12


Book Description: God is not despaired of man and His bounties and munificence are being showered on the world as before. Every drop of rain which falls from heaven on earth is a symbol of His unending faith in the future of mankind. The land, sun, moon and all other creation are performing there assigned functions. The ...

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The Message Of Humanity

God is not despaired of man and His bounties and munificence are being showered on the world as before. Every drop of rain which falls from heaven on earth is a symbol of His unending faith in the future of mankind. The land, sun, moon and all other creation are performing there assigned functions. The universe is a wonderful manifestation of the power of Divine Creation – look at a flower, a leaf, a blade of grass, peep into – anything and you will find rare beauty and perfect order in it. But the best of all creations is man and everything else has been created to serve him. It is an indication of God’s love for mankind.

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