In the history of Islam, there are heroes of faith, men and women whose lives inspire us to be better people, better Muslims. Many of them were Companions of our beloved Prophet (peace be upon him) and they experienced the growth of Islam right from the beginning. Many of them suffered hardships and great persecution for the sake of Islam, the Message of Allah.
Their impeccable characters and their closeness to Allah and His Prophet drew many people to Islam. One of the greatest of these, one of the most humble, and one who endured horrific torture in order to become Muslim was Bilal ibn Rabah. Born in Makkah, the freed Ethiopian slave after accepting Islam was inseparable from the Messenger himself. He became the Prophet’s first muezzin (caller to the five daily Prayers).
The persecution he suffered is enough to make us ashamed at our own feeble efforts at being Muslim. We talk about calling people to Islam, don’t we? We preach others, when sometimes we cannot even get up to pray in the morning!
The story of Bilal’s life and journey to Islam teaches us to hold fast to the message of the Oneness of Allah and to defend the reputation of His Prophet with every breath we take and every action we perform.
The precise details of Bilal’s life are not what we are concerned with here, although a few highlights will help us. What is important, is to ask ourselves what Bilal’s life has to teach us today. How can his call to Islam and subsequent life as a Muslim help us all to be better Muslims?
Ethiopian Origins
Bilal ibn Rabah was born the son of an Ethiopian slave called Rabah. Because of his black skin, he was sometimes known as Bilal Al-Habashi (the Ethiopian). As a boy, he was sold as a slave to Umayyah ibn Khalaf ibn Safwan, leading member of the Quraish, head of the Bani Jumah, and a fierce believer in idol worship.
Not only did he believe in the worship of idols, but also believed that people worshipped idols according to the worshippers’ dignity and social status. So he would worship an idol of gold, while his slave would worship an idol of wood or stone. Although Bilal was owned as a slave, it was his “master” who was the real slave. He was a slave of polytheism, that pernicious belief in many gods that held sway in the whole of the Arabian Peninsula at that time.
When the Prophet began to preach the message of the Oneness of Allah (tawheed), many people in Makkah suffered when they chose to embrace Islam at the hands of the idol worshippers. Why is it that, even today, people feel threatened by goodness? Why was it that those idol worshippers did everything in their power to stop the spread of Islam, even though it was quite clear that these Muslims were good people who intended no harm to anyone?
Bilal saw more and more people embrace Islam in Makkah and, as they did, more and more people suffered and were tortured at the hands of idol worshippers. Abu Jahl was an important man in Makkah, noted for his cruelty and his hatred of Islam. Bilal had heard that the parents of `Ammar ibn Yasir had been tortured on the rack and had died on the orders of Abu Jahl.
Becoming Muslim
Even though their son endured this torment and suffered persecution of his own, he refused to return to idol worship. Touched by such heroism, Bilal decided to visit the place where Muhammad was staying. Muhammad’s words penetrated Bilal’s heart and he became Muslim there and then.
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It is not social status or rank or education that makes one person better than another; it is piety.
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