Facing the Qiblah (direction of prayer) is one of the conditions for
the validity of prayer, and every Muslim should try and do his best to
find out the direction of the qiblah when offering prayer
either by using natural signs or a compass, or asking trustworthy people
who exist in the place and know the direction of the qiblah.
The Qiblah is the direction of the Ka`bah located in Makkah, in
modern Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. This direction of the qiblah is often
marked in the front of the constructed mosques with and ornamental
indentation on the wall which is known as mihrab (niche indicating the direction of Makkah).
It should be noted that, Muslims had been facing the direction of
Jerusalem (Al-Aqsa Mosque) while offering their prayer. This practice
was followed for one year and four months after migrating to Madinah.
After that the Qiblah for the prayer was changed to the Ka`bah in
response to the divine command,
We have
certainly seen the turning of your face, [O Muhammad], toward the
heaven, and We will surely turn you to a qiblah with which you will be
pleased. So turn your face toward al-Masjid al-Haram. And wherever you
[believers] are, turn your faces toward it [in prayer]. Indeed, those
who have been given the Scripture well know that it is the truth from
their Lord. And Allah is not unaware of what they do. (Al-Baqarah 2:144)
It is important to note that the Muslims do not worship the Ka`bah.
In Islam, every single act of worship must be directed to Allah alone,
and the greatest sin in Islam is to direct even the tiniest part of
worship to other than Allah. It is not allowed for a Muslim to have any
kind of intermediary with Allah in worship, whether a living being, or
an inanimate object. Muslims pray to Almighty Allah alone, and they do
not take things either as direct objects of worship, or indirect objects
of worship through which Allah’s help is sought.
The Ka`bah is actually a mosque – a Muslim place of worship,
much like Christians have churches and Jews have synagogues. It was the
first building on earth dedicated to the worship of Allah alone. It is
just a symbol of the unity of Muslims in worship.
This direction of prayer is called the qiblah. Wednesday the 28th of May, the sun will be right above the Ka`bah.
The Sun above the Ka`bah
This direction of prayer is called the qiblah. Wednesday the 28th of May, the sun will be right above the Ka`bah.
At every moment, the Sun runs above our heads. So that it would be
possible to establish a path and even a virtual route on land, as if
traveling on. The Sun’s position is such as it systematically
corresponds to a geographically localized place on earth. Imagine that
the Sun is a ball whose shadow is cast on the ground. Well, we could
draw the path taken by the shadow and locate, depending on the time of
day, some places on earth simply by looking at the Sun, provided that
these places are located between the two tropics, as it is the case for
Makkah. This is particularly interesting for Muslims.
Both Dates to remind are May 28th and July 16th of each year. On
these dates, the Sun is actually above Mecca, and more precisely above
the Ka`bah. On May 28th, the sun will be at this position at 9:18 am
The time in USA would be:
Eastern Standard Time (EST) – 4:18 am
Central Standard Time (CST) – 3:18 am
Pacific Standard Time (PST) – 1:18 am
Mountain Standard Time (MST) – 2:18 am
A month and a half later, the Sun always returns precisely above the
Ka`bah, on July 16th, at 9:27 am GMT. In order to know the time of the
country you live in regarding to GMT, you can visit this website: http://www.wwp.greenwichmeantime.com/
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