In the Qur’an, Allah reveals the various
characteristics of Satan and his followers. We are told that Satan has
been trying to cause every human being since Adam (peace be upon him) to
stray from Allah’s path. The word Satan is derived from a word meaning
“the far thing” in Arabic. The Arabic roots of the word also imply the
meaning of “being on fire with hatred” and worthless. Iblis (or
Diabolis) is the leader of all the Satans and of the Satanic activities.
The word Iblis means “to be peevish despairing of any good or
happiness,” “to be desperate and miserably sorry.”

For thousands of years now, Satan has been
working to achieve his goal. He will continue his stealthy activities
until the Day of Judgment.

For thousands of years now, Satan has been
working to achieve his goal. He will continue his stealthy activities
until the Day of Judgment.
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