Dr. Munqidh Ben Mahmoud Assaqar
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Become Acquainted With Islam: It is necessary, before explaining the
facts and the pillars of Islam, to elaborate and understand the meaning
of the name, Islam. The word Islam has many meanings. It means
submission, safety, and peace. In this study, when we mention the word
Islam, it means the religion that Allah (S.W) revealed to His Prophet
Mohammad (PBUH). Allah (S.W) gave „Islam‟ this name, because it
concludes a total submission to Him (S.W) only, obedience to His rules,
and following His commandments.
“”Muslims prefer using the name “Allah”,
which is one of many other beautiful names and it is God Almighty‟s
greatest name, instead of the English word “God”. The word “Allah” is
pure and unique unlike the English word “God”, which can be used in many
forms. If we add „s‟ to the word “God” it becomes “Gods”, that is a
plural of God. Allah is one and singular, there is no plural of Allah.
If we add „dess‟ to the word „God‟, it becomes „Goddess‟, that is a
female God. There is nothing like male Allah or female Allah. (taken
from: “The Concept of God in Major Religions”, Dr. Zakir Abdul Kareem,
pp 18)
Muslims do not mention the name of Allah
without glorification. The letters “S.W” are contractions of the two
Arabic words “Sobhanahu Wataala”, which means, “Glory to Him! He is high
above all” (Holy Quran 17:43). The English meaning of these two words
is from the “Meaning of the Holy Quran by Abdullah Yusof Ali”.
Therefore, in this book I will use the words “Allah (S.W)” when
referring to God Almighty, except for excerpts and quotations.
Muslims also do not mention the name of a
Prophet without honoring him with prayer and invocation. The letters
“PBUH” are contractions of the sentence, “Peace Be upon Him” when
mentioning a prophet, or “Peace Be upon Her” when mentioning the Pure
Virgin Mary, and the letters “PBUT” are contractions of the sentence,
“Peace Be upon Them”, when mentioning more than one prophet.””
Praise to Allah (S.W), the cherisher and sustainer of the worlds, and may peace and blessings be upon all of His messengers.
The prophets‟ religion is one religion,
for Allah (S.W) had sent His messengers and revealed His Books that
declare one essence, which is Monotheism, and command us to have good
morals and behavior.
When Allah (S.W) sent Muhammad (PBUH), He
commanded him as He (S.W) commanded the rest of the prophets, Allah
(S.W) sent him as the final Prophet to humanity, He (S.W) accepts his
religion as a religion for all, and completed the previous messages by
his (PBUH) message.
The message of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) is
the final message from Allah (S.W), and it is distinctive in its
properties that make it the fastest spreading religion on earth. Islam
has covered half of the earth with its civilization, and nations are
competing to have it as their religion, for what they find in it. The
reason for this is that Islam is consistent with instinct and mind, and
it is a tender and easily understood belief.
This success of Islam makes some people
rebel against it. There is no religion or belief has had such defamation
as what Islam has. Armies of thinkers intended to damage Islam by
suppressing its facts and falsely claiming defects in it, and sometimes
by misunderstanding it, therefore, they stray far from its facts and
There is no denying that some Muslims are
also despoiling Islam, by their misbehaviour and ignorance, which has
nothing at all to do with Islam. Thus, Islam comes between the hammer of
its enemies and the anvil of ignorance of some of its followers.
The rational and sensible person, who
looks forward to understand a religion, should look and judge its
essence and not its followers‟ behaviour or its enemies‟ accusations.
Each religion or creed has some followers, who misbehave and ignore its
laws, but no one will judge that religion or creed according to this
misbehaviour. The judgement on institutions, never mind religions, is
according to its essence and laws, not according to their followers‟
behaviour; therefore, one should understand Islam as it is, away from
any falsehoods or defamation.
If we want to know Islam, we will not
find a better introduction than understanding the dialogue that happened
between Gabriel (PBUH), the revelation trustee among heavenly beings,
and Mohammad (PBUH), the revelation trustee among human beings. Gabriel
(PBUH) came to the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH), asking about the categories
of Islam, in order that the Prophets companions hear and understand.
Gabriel (PBUH) said, “Muhammad, tell me
about Islam”. The Messenger of Allah (PBUH) replied, “Islam is to
declare, and bear witness that there is no God except Allah(S.W) and
that Mohammad (PBUH) is His messenger, to perform and be steadfast in
prayers, to give charity, to fast during the month of Ramadan, and to
perform pilgrimage if you can.‟ Gabriel Said, „You are right‟. Omar 1
said, „we were surprised how he (Gabriel) asked and affirm the answer at
the same time.‟ Gabriel said, „Tell me about the true faith‟ He (PBUH)
answered, „to believe in Allah (S.W), His angels, His books, His
messengers, the Day of Judgment, and fate and foreordination; their good
and their harm‟. Gabriel Said, „You are right‟. Gabriel Said, „Tell me
about “Al-Ihsan.” He (PBUH) said, „Al-Ihsan is to worship Allah as you
are seeing Him, and if you are not seeing Him, consider that He is
surely seeing you.
These are the bases of Islam in general; I wonder why some people are critical of them?
I will explain and elaborate on these
bases, to show the moral foresight and the divine wisdom of establishing
the Islamic faith on these bases. I will also explain and elaborate on
evidence that will uncover the false defamation of Islam; accusation of
terrorism; the encouragement of hatred, and cruelty to women. Thus, I
will reply to some false statements attributed to Islam, and present it
to whosoever is looking forward to know Islam from its bases and
We, the Muslim World League, present this
message, to explain and declare the truth, which opened our hearts and
convinced our minds. This message is an invitation to understand Islam,
which will result in being amongst the true believers and winners of
Allah‟s (S.W) pleasure. “Those who have faith and do righteous deeds,-
they are the best of creatures. Their reward is with Allah: Gardens of
Eternity, beneath which rivers flow; they will dwell therein for ever;
Allah well pleased with them, and they with Him: all this for such as
fear their Lord and Cherisher.” (Holy Quran 98:7-8) We ask Allah (S.W)
to accept this work for His pleasure, He is the One, and Only who is
capable of that.
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