Galwash A. Ahmed
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The Arabic word Islam literally means ‘surrender’ or ‘submission.’
Islam, as a faith, means total and sincere surrender to God so that one
can live in peace and tranquility. Peace (Salam in Arabic, Shalom in
Hebrew) is achieved through active obedience to the revealed
commandments of God, for God is The Just, The Peace. The name Islam is
universal in meaning. Islam is not named after a tribe of people or an
individual, as Judaism is named after the tribe of Judah, Christianity
after Christ and Buddhism after Buddha. Islam is not a name chosen by
human beings; it was divinely communicated from God. Islam is a global
faith, not of the East or the West. Islam is a complete way of life,
implying total submission to God. One who surrenders his or her will to
God, voluntarily, is called a Muslim. It was not Muhammad (SAW) but Adam
(S.A) who first brought Islam to humanity. Then, each Prophet and
Messenger came to exhort the people to a clear understanding of God’s
commandments. They offered teachings relevant to that time, until God
chose the final Prophet, Muhammad (SAW), to come with the Last Testament
referred to as the Qur’an. Allah is an Arabic word, meaning ‘The One
and Only True Deity’, the proper name of The One who created the heavens
and the earth. Arabic-speaking Jews and Christians also call God by the
name Allah. For a Muslim, Allah is the greatest and most inclusive of
names for God, denoting The One who is adored in worship, The One who
created all that exists.
A Summary
Their Religion
Their Character and Manners
Their Accomplishments
The Branches of Knowledge
Cultivated by the Arabs Before Islam
The City of Mecca
III Mohammed’s Mission
IV The Pagan Arabs Sacred Idols
V The Prophet at Medina
VI The Peace of Hudeibiya
VII The Conquest of Mecca
VIII The Person and Character of the Prophet Mohammed
IX The Real Motives of the Prophet
X Attacks of Christian Divines against the Private Character of the Prophet
XI. The Social Changes Brought about by the prophet
XII. The Political Organization Wrought by the Advent of Islam
XIII The Political System of Islam
XIV The Social Organisation of Islam
XV Refutation of Certain False Changes by Prejudiced Writers against Islam
1.”Force and Compulsion were Employed for the Dissemination of Islam
2. Mohammedanism: A Religion of Sex”Indulgence”
3- Islam and Polygamy
XVI The Status of Women in Islam
1. The Object of Marriage
2. Marriage and Divorce
3. The Guardian and the Consent of the Bride
4. The Inequality of the Two Sexes with regard to Divorce
5. Limitations of Divorce
6. Islam’s Suggestions for Reconciliation
Book III Exposition of the Religion of Islam
Section I. Beliefs
Section II. Devotion
Section III. Transactions
Section IV. Moralities
Section V. Punishments
Digest of Islam Creed
1. Belief in God
What God is not
God’s Life and Power
God’s Knowledge
God’s will
God’s Hearing and Sight
God’s Word
God’s Works
Unity of God.
1. Proofs of His Existence:
God’s Omnipresence asserted
God’s Omnipotence
Creator of all things
Perfect in His Works.
The Light of Heaven and Earth
Provides for All
His Words are Countless.
Has no Offspring
Created all Beings
The Existence of God
2. Belief in the Angels of God
3. Belief in the Scriptures of God
The Koran
1.Calling the Jews and Christians to come to agreement with the Moslems
2. Ordering the Prophet to Praise God
3. Right and Wrong
4. Belief of the Faithful
Islam and the Four Gospels
1. St. Luke’s Gospel
2.The Gospel of St. Matthew and that of St. Mark
The Four Gospels
Some Important Discrepancies
The Koran
The Koranic Conception of Man
The Frailties of Human Nature
The Koran and the Doctrine of Personal Holiness
4. Belief in the Apostles of God
(1) Promised to Mary
(2) Birth of Jesus
One of the Miracles of Jesus
The Mission of Jesus
Jesus not Crucified
Jesus and the Divinity
The Trinity Condemned
Contradictory Teachings of Christianity from Moslem’s Point of View
The Godhead of Jesus Condemned by Islam
What Jesus Says about himself in Relation to his Alleged Divinity
Priestcraft and Islam
Supposed Divinity of Jesus
Canon Barnes on the Old Testament
Was Christ Divine?
Biblical Prophecies as Referring to the Advent of the Prophet Mohammed
5. The Belief in the Day of Resurrection
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