Sheikh Muhammad Salih al-Monajjid
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We previously published a brief work entitled Muharamaat: Prohibitions
that are taken too lightly, which discussed some of the various offences
against Sharee’ah which may involve shirk and major and minor sins.
Evidence for these things being prohibited was quoted from the Qur’aan
and Sunnah, and real-life situations were described in order to explain
clearly the different ways in which people may fall into committing
sin. There are many things that have been prohibited in the Qur’aan and
Sunnah, and it is very important for the Muslim to know about them so
that he can keep away from them and thus avoid earning the wrath and
anger of Allaah or bringing about his own doom in this world and the
next. So I thought of compiling this list of prohibited things, in
accordance with the hadeeth of the Prophet (peace and blessings of
Allaah be upon him): “Religion is sincere advice (al-deen al-naseehah),”
and in the hope that it will be of benefit both to myself and to my
Muslim brothers. So I have compiled what information I could from the
Qur’aan and from the ahaadeeth classed as saheeh by the scholars who
specialize in this field (relying mostly on the reports classed as
saheeh by al- ‘Allaamah Muhammad Naasir al-Deen al-Albaani in his
books). Topics are grouped according to the classifications used in fiqh
(Islamic jurisprudence). I have not quoted every hadeeth in full, only
the relevant parts. In most cases the reports include words which
clearly indicate prohibition (such as “Do not.”), and I have explained
the reason for the prohibition in some cases. I ask Allaah to help us to
avoid sin and wrongdoing wherever it exists, visible or hidden, and to
accept our repentance. Praise be to Allaah, Lord of the Worlds.
List of prohibitions mentioned in the Qur’aan and Sunnah
Aqeedah (basic tenets of faith)
Tahaarah (cleanliness and purity)
Salaah (prayer)
The mosque
Hajj and udhiyah (sacrifices)
Trading and earning
Matters pertaining to women
Matters of meat and food
Clothing and adornment
Diseases of the tongue
Etiquette of eating and drinking
Etiquette of sleeping
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