is a Miracle of the Quran and the Prophetic Tradition. We're going to
see the compatibility between science and our religion….
1- The fault (split)
Recent scientists found that the earth crust was
formed millions of years ago and the faults started to appear on it
which formed what was called the tectonic plates, the lava flows out
from these faults. This new discovery wasn’t known at the time of
prophet Mohamed peace be upon him, but Allah Almighty told us about this
geological fact 1400 years ago as He Almighty says: (And
the earth which splits*Verily! This (the Qur'an) is the Word that
separates (the truth fromfalsehood, and commands strict legal laws for
mankind to cut the roots of evil).),){Sûrat At-Târiq-verse
12-13}.Allah Almighty tells us that the Qur’an is the word that
separates the truth from falsehood after He mentioned that geological
fact which is clear evidence that the one who descended that holy book
of Qur’an is Allah Almighty
2- Zones of earth
It’s a known scientific fact that man can’t
penetrate earth because of the high temperature in its center (thousands
of Celsius), also in its center there are flaming rocks and high
pressures where no material on earth can afford. Allah Almighty told us
this fact fourteen centuries ago as He says: (O assembly of jinns and
men! If you have power to pass beyond the zones of the heavens and the
earth, then pass (them)! But you will never be able to pass them, except
with authority (from Allah)!){Sûrat Ar-Rahmân-The Most Gracious-vesre33}.
3- Rotation of earth
Earth rotates every day around its axis in a
circular movement, its speed reach 1670km/h which is faster than Speed
of sound (1200km/h) but we don’t feel this high speed. Also earth is
rotating one complete turn each year around sun, its speed during that
movement reach 100,000km/halso both earth and sun are rotating around
center of the galaxy every 200 million years to complete one turn!!!And
the entire galaxy rotates in a magnificent huge orbit, Allah Almighty
says :( They all float, each in an orbit.){Sûrat Yâ-Sîn –verse 40}
4- The barrier
Now, recent scientists teaches this photo in the
greatest universities as it proves the presence of an aquatic partition
separates the sweet river from the salted sea at the downstream and they
consider these partitions as one of the nature wonders that maintain
the environmental balance. Allah Almighty referred to this scientific
fact hundreds of years before those scientists, He the Exalted says:
(And it is He Who has let free the two seas (kinds of water): this is
palatable and sweet, and that is salt and bitter; and He has set a
barrier and a complete partition between them) (Sûrat Al-Furqân-The
Criterion verse 53)
5- Descending of rains
scientists confirm that clouds in the sky looks like huge tanks full of
water during rains, Allah Almighty described this phenomenon in a great
precision as He says :(And have sent down from the rainy clouds
abundant water){Sûrat An-Naba’-The Great News -verse14
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